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PT front-line makeup LV50-55

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  • PT front-line makeup LV50-55

    I basically always have to make my own parties. Not discussing the back-line in detail right now but I go for RDM, BRD, BLM. Anyway, I try to go for 2x3.

    PLD or NIN
    WAR (me)

    The hate department is covered, damage output is covered, Renkei is covered and my WAR also acts as a safety net.

    Finding the main tank is not hard on Ramuh. But what if there is no Ranger ? It is the Achilles Heel of my party formation.

    #edit : I'd invite a DRG but 99% of them insist on using Penta, which I cannot chain with well, yet.

    Please show me some alternatives.
    Beckx of Bastok - Rank 9
    41 Chef / 35 Fisherman

  • #2
    Pick a drk instead of drg and have it start the sc with shadow of death or freezebite and follow with a sturmwind. This will pop a fragmentation sc (wind/thunder).

    Drg penta doesn't sc well and then your only option is probably raging axe -> pentathrust for gravition sc (dark/earth). But this sc isn't used very often due to the lack of mob that are vulnerable to earth and that there is no high lvl dark spell for bursting.

    With a ranger you sc option are probably sidewinder -> avalanche axe, not sure if spinning axe can close distorsion but it might do.
    war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


    • #3
      Yes, DRK. Odd that I forgot about it since I played once myself XD
      I've made a few PTs with DRK as 3rd and it works well. It's too bad that Monk WS isn't in Distortion at this level.

      Ok, here is another setup I am thinking of.


      Renkei can be basically any, though I'd have to get a couple of Greatsword or Polearm skill points in. ATM I am working on my THF sub, so I cannot tell how much difference in damage there is from MNK. Will the damage output of the front-line be enough?
      Beckx of Bastok - Rank 9
      41 Chef / 35 Fisherman

