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Taru Warrior is tough afterall...

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  • Taru Warrior is tough afterall...

    At least for me it is, im having trouble getting to level 10. Right now im level 9 and will probably hit 10 later today.

    Im doing this strictly for fun, my main job is WHM. But I level up with someone else, so when they aren't on, I level Warrior.

    I have all the leather gear equipped right now, bronze polearm cause I want to get the Dragoon subjob later. (I have my full set of Scale armor waiting for when I hit level 10) Im eating the Meat Kabob things, fighting decent Yagudo, Giant Bees, Crawlers on Starfall Hillock. But it's going, since level 8 i've died probably 6-7 times.

    What's the next step after I hit lvl. 10? Tahronji Canyon? Would anyone in there right mind take a Taru WAR with them there?

    Is getting the scale armors with all +1 worth it? Probably expensive...But it'll add alot of defense.

  • #2
    do you have access to subjobs yet? it would be a bit easier if you sub'd your whm to heal your little-wittle selfy-welfy

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Not yet, my White Mage is only lvl. 10. I think once I hit lvl. 10 Warrior, i'll just stick to White until lvl. 20, by then I should have the subjob available.

      *Dies while typing*

      Stupid Magicked, poisoned me while I wasn't paying attention. I only needed 437 exp to lvl, now I need like 750!


      • #4
        go to fort ghelsba. kill every decent you see. and EVENS with you have TP.
        I Try Hard Not To Break...


        • #5
          Well, since you're obviously in Windurst and not San D'Oria...

          I would recommend the lower levels of Giddeus, and try to make sure you signet on you all the time and maybe a scroll of Instant Warp in case you need to break out in a hurry. If you can find a healer, then go to the Canyon and hunt dhalmels. They give good xp, are easy to chain if you use weaponskills, and the stuff they drop is worth some mad money. After that, hit the Maze and try to chain worms.

          Khaelyn's Picture Book! :: Khaelyn, himself

          Read Intrepid Adventure! Updates on Sundays. No gnomes, guaranteed!


          • #6
            Lvl. 10 can handle Giddeus? How do I get there? can't find it on the map.


            • #7
              Go to the outpost in W. Sarut.

              Follow the road west from there and the map will curve around to the South. You'll find the zone to Giddeus there.

              Just be careful in what you fight and don't go in too deep.


              • #8
                in west saruta theres an exit to it, but you should buy a map of the place, you can get it in the center square of windurst woods in a tent

                fk yes


                • #9
                  Thanks alot guys, everyone helped and quickly. I appreciate it. Can't wait to wear my new gear!


                  • #10
                    I'd put War on the back burner until you can use a subjob.

                    Sub Monk adds a ton of HP and Vit.
                    Anything you can do,
                    Taru do better.
                    Taru do anything
                    Better than you


                    • #11
                      Getting taru warrior from 12-18 isn't hard in valkurm, lots of warriors so just warrior it out.

                      some advice, polearm is "ok" but as far as low level polearms go.. they are a royal pain in the ass to upgrade.. 1 to 7 to 14 to 18 to 24. keep it upgraded but don't rely on it.

                      compare that to great axe, 5 to 8 to 12 to 16 to 20, tell you what I'd take a neckchopper over spear anyday.
                      A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


                      • #12
                        I went ahead and bought a Hellfire Axe. Which looks cool as hell, but my Great Axe skill is low of course. So I have to build that up.

                        Not as if anyone cares. But I joined my first PT last night (as WHM not WAR)...But there was a Taru Warrior in the party and he only died once in Bubu(?) and was doing very well.

                        Party was:

                        lvl. 10 Mithra - Bard
                        lvl. 10 Elvaan - Monk
                        lvl. 10 Taru - Warrior
                        lvl. 10 Taru - White Mage <----Me
                        lvl. 10 Taru - Red Mage
                        lvl. 10 Taru - Red Mage

                        We all got to lvl. 12 fairly quick, very fun night. Gonna level up WAR a little more today...


                        • #13
                          I have a lvl 30 War Taru and of course its not always easy.

                          I enoy it alot though

                          I just did the usual, after 10 i go to tah and lvl up with some people, than I hit the maze to lvl, than qufim, etc.



                          • #14
                            Some Taru melee get picked over other race melee just because they are Taru... =(
                            Carbuncle Server:
                            Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
                            Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


                            • #15
                              I am a level 38War/Nin and still kicking!

                              Someone once asked me, "So why are you a tarutaru warrior?"

                              I replied, "Because if all tarutarus are mages, who will be in the front line when the horde cometh? Us tarus sure can't trust them cat ladies to defend us always."

                              So if you have reasons to be a taru, then be a taru.

