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Accuracy improvements mid 20's ?

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  • #16
    Just get the +1 dex rings instead then. You should be fine with thoes. I didn't get my Balance rings till around 25 with my first job (THF).
    Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
    BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

    Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

    Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


    • #17
      well, im usin the battle axe and fire sword. war/thf sub is at 27/11 but ide rather hit 30 on my main than push my thf to 15... would 2 lvls of thf help with acc?.

      I looked at some of the eyeball soups with acc+ but they are way to expensive and skill intensive.

      does attack+ items help with accuracy at all. i'm doing some testing but the results are kind of blurry, im thinkin no.

      Thanks for the info, just hate hittin the mob 50% of the time, its rather discouraging.

      If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


      • #18
        attk+ does nothing for acc iirc. it'll just up the damage you do when you connect.

        did you try having a rdm with gravity yet? or a brd?

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #19
          Well she said her Great Axe was at 0. I'm pretty sure that just skilling it up would solve a lot of her problems. It's fairly easy to do so. Since she's from Sand she could just go to la thiene and beat up on strolling saplings and hares for a while. Either way, skilling up her great axe is the most important and effective thing she can do above all else.


          • #20
            Tell her to go to fort ghelsba. THat's where I went. 2 day and i got it from 0 to 51.
            Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
            BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

            Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

            Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums


            • #21
              I have been thinking about G Axe skill up but mainly concentrating on hitting 30, not sure if I will be using G Axe with any other job. Although WAR/NIN looks very appealing.

              Gravity is a godsend, I was able to PT with a few RDM's and it helped. Not nearly as many misses.

              Thanks for all the imput.
              If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


              • #22
                Im having this problem now at level 15. I use a Greataxe (capped at lvl. 49) and a Burning Calymore (capped at lvl. 44 I believe). And I still miss like all hell.

                I tried to purchase the only Balance ring available in Windurst last night and whoever is selling it has it up for more than 15k. And im not trying to pay more than that when it's been going for 12k.

                Any ideas??


                • #23
                  Spread out. Don't have your whole group packed in crowding each other... surround the monster instead. REALLY helps accuracy. :-)


                  • #24
                    Spread out. Don't have your whole group packed in crowding each other... surround the monster instead. REALLY helps accuracy. :-)


                    • #25
                      um.... ok.... lol

                      PS: level your subjob
                      Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                      BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                      Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                      Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums

