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Bit of confusion here..

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  • Bit of confusion here..

    Ok sorry if these questions can be found somewhere else, i dont know where they are.

    1. With agressor would we need that much acc+ equips?

    2. I still am a bit fuzzy on the differences between str and atk. If 2 atk = 1 str then what is the point of str.

  • #2
    STR+2 does not equal Attack+1
    STR+2 contibutes Attack+1

    The difference is that your STR is compared to the monsters VIT, while your Attack is compared to the monster's Defense. That will change your damage considerably. Consider MNK, it's a pretty high VIT class, with low defense. On the other hand, Crabs have high defense, but seemingly low VIT.

    STR and VIT are compared on a 1:1 basis. Something similar to STR-VIT = damage modifer

    Attack and Defense are a curve. Something similar to Attack/Defense = damage modifier


    • #3
      i think bside posted a "working" damage formula somewhere in the monk forums. I'll see if I can fish it up.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Even with aggressor load up in some acc items, like the lifebelt at 48 and the lvl 50 SD conquest gloves.

        Aggressor and focus can probably save you the price of 2 sniper rings, but if i end up playing dmg dealer all the time i would probably end up buying at least 1 of them, 2nd ring would be either a str or dex one.

        Accuracy is important for all melee classes and you'll need plenty to get a decent hit rate. Aggressor only last 3mins so you'll be 2 min whitout it. Would you want to be able to hit only 60% of the time, i guess not.
        war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19

