(37 is max... so, if you Lv WAR past 37 it's not a sub, I think...)
Either way...
People in my LS are flaming me that I want to take my 30 WAR to 75... they say it won't work. Because I, #1 am a Hume and my INT and MND I have over other races go to waste so I'm gimped (yet, I've seen Taru WARs in AF...), and #2, they say WARs are only good as a sub...
Is this true?! I heard WARs are a kickass job... they are just very misunderstood. War Cry, Aggressor, Double Attack, debuffs with G.Axe, good as a back-up tank (in case PLD has a freak disconnect, for those who flame about PLDs being a better tank and the PT not needing another tank.) skillchains with DRK, and damage WS's along with a sweet DPS.
Either way...
People in my LS are flaming me that I want to take my 30 WAR to 75... they say it won't work. Because I, #1 am a Hume and my INT and MND I have over other races go to waste so I'm gimped (yet, I've seen Taru WARs in AF...), and #2, they say WARs are only good as a sub...
Is this true?! I heard WARs are a kickass job... they are just very misunderstood. War Cry, Aggressor, Double Attack, debuffs with G.Axe, good as a back-up tank (in case PLD has a freak disconnect, for those who flame about PLDs being a better tank and the PT not needing another tank.) skillchains with DRK, and damage WS's along with a sweet DPS.