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Flaming WAR post-37.

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  • Flaming WAR post-37.

    (37 is max... so, if you Lv WAR past 37 it's not a sub, I think...)

    Either way...

    People in my LS are flaming me that I want to take my 30 WAR to 75... they say it won't work. Because I, #1 am a Hume and my INT and MND I have over other races go to waste so I'm gimped (yet, I've seen Taru WARs in AF...), and #2, they say WARs are only good as a sub...

    Is this true?! I heard WARs are a kickass job... they are just very misunderstood. War Cry, Aggressor, Double Attack, debuffs with G.Axe, good as a back-up tank (in case PLD has a freak disconnect, for those who flame about PLDs being a better tank and the PT not needing another tank.) skillchains with DRK, and damage WS's along with a sweet DPS.



  • #2
    Leave your LS.

    Warrior are GREAT JOBS!

    They can tank and deal damage, take it to 75 and prove it to them how useful they can be.
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #3
      the ppl flaming you on your LS need to buy a clue. I bet they're all DRK/DRK-wannabees

      WARs are great jobs. You're very versatile in terms of what roles you can fill in the party. As Rico said, you can be DD or Tank with no problems. You can't say that about DRK, PLD or DRG...

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Honestly stat wise post 40, the base stats of most race, beside hp/mp, will make a very little difference because you can offset your racial weakness with gear.

        Advanced job are more specialised that a war, drk/drg/sam will deal more dmg but you can tank better than them, pld is a better tank than war but war is a better dmg dealer.

        People forget that war can be good dmg dealers and have a lot of utility because we can use 6 different weapons in A-B rating, where drk/drg/sam will more than often only use their class specialised weapon, like spear, great katana and scythe.

        War and drk are the only class that can reduce the mob defensive abilities with a break ws, but how many times have you seen a drk use a great axe, i've only saw 1 so far.

        War aren't gimped, it's just that the current opinion of war from the NA player base is : why take a war when we have XXX advanced job available that can do a better job.
        war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


        • #5
          I have to agree with Shann. Many of the post-30ish warriors I've seen just don't play the job as well as they could/should/would/who knows.

          That said, having partied with a few good WARs (omg, the PLD is in the same party as a WAR!?!), I can tell ya they don't add nothing at all. And don't think they're useless pre-50ish anyway, since you snag some nifty abilities (DA and Defender for example) that subbers don't get until 50. After 50, well, uh, there's the AF boots that give even more DA, plus the introduction of better Axe and Gaxe WS.

          And not only can you do something really cool with Breaks (or Shield Break anyway), you can also use Axes, which are perhaps the most underrated weapon in the game for those who haven't seen what they can do later on in the game.

          There's no shame in sticking with WAR after 30, and certainly none after 37. Just make sure you're doing it "right." I've only partied with a couple WARs who did, but let me tell ya, they did it perfectly.

          Plus, being a WAR you can eat Meat Mithkabobs and still be able to be a sneak/trick dummy for a Thief who wants to pull off more than one in a fight. Very versatile. Just don't expect an easy ride. It is tough, and the misperception is part of that.
          Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.


          • #6
            People who underestimate the warrior are fools.

            I remember when I was level 40, people kept asking me "So you're going to take Warrior all the way?" As if I was making the biggest mistake of my life.

            People who ditch their warrior once they have an advanced job have no clue what warriors can do. They become so obsessed over guillotine, penta-thrust, etc that they lose focus of other jobs

            As a level 60 warrior, I find that I can dish out some nice damage and can even pull off hate from paladins. What's better is I can actually take hate for a good while because of our tanking nature. Unlike Darks who tend to kick the crud out of themselves only to get killed from bringing too much hate.

            Leave your Linkshell. They don't seem very informed about the game, and in general probably wont be able to help you as much
            I do not exist. You are just momentarily trippin.


            • #7
              I hear this ... a lot of people don't have a clue about the WAR job.

              And the WAR can indeed party with the PLD.
              Our team for the Nest / Citadel from lv47-50 : rdm, blm, brd, pld, war, rng.

              The rng was chaining with both me and the Paladin. We slaughtered the crawlers & beetles, I think we did this in a few hours total playtime.

              I've been doing Genkei 1 for two days now, starting with the Papyrus. Our PT is basically as described above (PLD+WAR). I was wearing attacker gear (Bringandine, DEX, ATT) when we got added by a Hell Hound and a Mummy. I switched to Iron Msk armor and tanked the dog and the Mummy while the PLD tanked the Liche.

              Versatile job
              Beckx of Bastok - Rank 9
              41 Chef / 35 Fisherman


              • #8
                They're idiots. With the right equipment Warrior can do alot of damage at high levels. The most damaging Great Axe has something like 97 dmg on it, you can equip all the +attack armour that the Drk's are drooling over, etc... You can use berserk and aggressor to do some very nice damage, then go defender mode and tank decently. I also find the Great Axe weapon skills very nice, Shield Break helps, Sturmwind does some good damage, haven't seen the high lvl skills but I hear they're aight. With 1h Axe you get Rampage (5 hits) which is quite nice.
                Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


                • #9
                  I love war and am taking it all the way..... In my last party at Yhoator i was outdamaging the drk and the drg all the time with my gaxe... why? double attack, sneak attack, sturmwind, + armor, berserk, and mithkabobs.... when me and the dark or drg would sc our wpn skills we were doing 400 hp damage combinations on mandras and lizards... We were dealing so much damage that we had our thf release early and pull mobs while we finished the one off so we could get chains reall easy

                  I always keep a gaxe and a axe/shield with me so i can tank or just go all out...

                  I've had people ask me if i'm taking war all the way and i tell them yes and they tell me Cool!

                  Just think when your a 60war/30thf ... Berserk, Warcry, Sneak/Trick Attack, Double attack, mithkabobs... Very good dmg dealer IMO
                  Pld 38
                  War 37
                  Thf 17
                  Whm 17
                  Nin 15
                  Drg 11
                  Mnk 10
                  Blm 5
                  Sam 1

                  Blacksmithing 10
                  Warrior all the way!!! or Paladin lol


                  • #10
                    Hurrah for Warriors! even tho I'm not playing one atm

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Warriors are friggin awesome. One of the best tanks I have ever had the privilage of curing was a Tarutaru WAR/NIN. Also, WAR/SAM or /MNK or /THF or /NIN are also very good damage dealers when you can't find a Ranger or Monk to fill the spot.

                      Your LS sounds like a bunch of noobs. Just laugh at them when you are all level 75 WAR/NIN and you are the best tank around while still outdamaging them with their advanced jobs (especially DRG and SAM. Those jobs go WAY downhill after level 60 in my opinion).

                      At around level 70, I'd rank the damagers as:
                      #1 Monk for bones. Ranger for anything else.
                      #2 Dark Knight.
                      #3 Thief and Warrior
                      Very Distant #4 Samurai and Dragoon

                      Hell, If I wore a bunch of acc equipment and subbed SAM, I could probably do as much damage as a dragoon and samurai could. (slight exaggeration)


                      • #12
                        Is warrior/thief a good combo?
                        i know kinda off topic


                        • #13
                          Is warrior/thief a good combo?


                          • #14
                            After Lvl 30 for WAR its awesome. Till then sub MNK.


                            • #15
                              Yes war/thf is great past lvl 30 but not until level 30
                              Pld 38
                              War 37
                              Thf 17
                              Whm 17
                              Nin 15
                              Drg 11
                              Mnk 10
                              Blm 5
                              Sam 1

                              Blacksmithing 10
                              Warrior all the way!!! or Paladin lol

