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(Great) Axe Weapon Skills and Sneak Attack

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  • (Great) Axe Weapon Skills and Sneak Attack

    I dug around, but haven't found anything that lists the weapon skills that are compatible with Sneak Attack. I'm levelling Thief for use as a sub for Warrior, and was particularly interested in the Great Axe or Axe skills that would stack with SA.

    Does anybody know this?
    Aotan - Galka - 32 War, 21 Mnk, 16 Thf; 11 Goldsmith, 18 Fisher, 46 Cooking, 3 Blacksmith
    Mesgarth - Bastok Mine TaruMule

  • #2
    Any weapon skill that returns TP (except RNG stuff) works with sneak attack. As far as i can remember, all of the greataxe weapon skills are physical attacks that return TP. The only ones that don't really work are the elemental skills like burning blade, frostbite, shadow of death, etc.


    • #3
      I know sturmwind for sure works with SA.


      • #4
        All great axe ws will stack with sneak attack because they all are physical ws, thus return tp and can miss.

        Sneak will garantee your ws will never miss and add a extra dmg. Only exception for the extra dmg is keen edge, because it's a more tp = more crit chance, so sneak will not add extra dmg to it. I'll have to do more testing on it still so i am unsure of this statement.

        I also think all axe ws are physical type too.
        war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


        • #5
          i belive any non elemental ws will work with sneak, well cept viperbite, that adds poison damage and sin't elemental, but i only seem to recall it doing crap damage, maybe b/c i'm not a theif /shrug
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


          • #6
            Thanks all, I wasn't sure if things like Sturmwind were included in the elemental effect category, but it would appear that my concerns were unnecessary!

            Take that, you silly little mandragoras..!
            Aotan - Galka - 32 War, 21 Mnk, 16 Thf; 11 Goldsmith, 18 Fisher, 46 Cooking, 3 Blacksmith
            Mesgarth - Bastok Mine TaruMule


            • #7
              Just Test them if you aren't sure

              Your best bet would be just to try it if you aren't sure. Since Sturmwind works, you'll be fine. If you didn't know, I'm sure you would've probably tried it to find out, right? But yeah, if it does a physical attack, it'll work.
              Carbuncle Server:
              Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
              Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


              • #8

                I'm having trouble noticing a difference on damages with sneak and multi-hit attacks versus just the attack by itself. I'm using the best equipment possible ... but I'm starting to wonder if they don't actually stack or perhaps it's just my elvaan heritage kicking in and making me miss 2 hits off of each rampage (or penta) everytime...


                As an example, last night we were doing IT robber crabs in Kuftal tunnel - I was using rampage 2-3 times a fight before I switched to greataxe for the rest of the night. My damage with sneak+rampage was 200-500 while my normal ones were 150-500. Highest damage I did was 517 and it was without sneak attack to finish the crab. Higher damages were easily reached with Food+Berserk+Aggressor (makes sense) up.

                - Void -
                Currently seeking members on Garuda. Admin spots available.

                Requirements: You need at least one job 40 or above, and at the very least rank 3.


                • #9
                  I'm pretty sure Iron Tempest is earth elemental, and wont stack with sneak.
                  And subbed sneak only gives a crit on the first hit of multihit ws's.
                  75 Brd/Whm
                  Aurora - Bismarck


                  • #10
                    Sneak attack only works for the very first hit for multihit attacks. But it still works very well for 2 and 3 hit weapon skills. 5 hit ones I don't really see much difference in dmg. Sneak attack works very well with the 2h axe weapon skills. Even raging rush, 3 hits. Pentathrust and rampage don't really work well with sneak attack. The only 2h axe weapon skill I've found that doesn't work well with sneak attack is Keen Edge.

                    Sneak attack does work with iron tempest. Iron tempest is pretty much a 1 hit sturmwind.


                    • #11
                      I'm not positive, but the color of the icon next to the ws's name says what element it is, if any

                      grey= physical only


                      • #12
                        For Gaxes, Sneak plus Shield break owns,and cause hate of plds :D,then after that if whm has haste on you,do sneak + sturmwind,thatll doo like 300+ damage. multi doesnt work with sneak i heard so i dont know,i havent got rampage yet cuase im 7 skills down from it. BUt Sneak is best for 2h weapons :D


                        • #13
                          I'm not positive, but the color of the icon next to the ws's name says what element it is, if any

                          grey= physical only
                          Yes, and no. Nightmare Scythe's icon is black due to the Blindness it causes, however, it is a physical weapon skill. I don't have Guillotine yet, but it should be green because it causes silence. I can't remember which, but some of the monk skills have a color associated with them too, even though all of the MNK weapon skills are physical.


                          • #14
                            Ok. I am not an expert, but I would like to point at something that might explain the "elements" of Weapon skills...

                            \emote points at a Renkai chart...

                            Does that have give any clues?

                            The element of a WS might not mean that the WS will deal elemental damage, but has more to do with the Renkai.

                            At least, that is what I understand so far...

                            43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

                            55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


                            • #15
                              Modnar, again, yes and no. The color means that it imparts either a status or element based on that element.

                              Fire = Disease
                              Lightning = Stun
                              Wind = Silence
                              Water = Poison
                              Ice = Bind
                              Darkness = Blind
                              Earth = i don't remember
                              Light = i don't remember

                              So something that is red either does some fire elemental damage or causes disease/sickness, etc.

                              That color is generally aligned to one of the several renkei attributes that a weapon skill may have. Freezebite is blue, and has attributes detonation and induration. Dark Harvest, however, is Black, and has only the reverberation renkei attribute.

