I was thinking about doing War/Drk, mainly because i wanna use great axes. With war/drk i can still tank while drk/war cant. I know the magic aspect of Drk would be useless but its not that used in the first place. Im a hume, so if i get +Acc/+Dex Items i bet i could hit farely well and the damage would be nice because i will have A+ in GA and have Damage bonuses from drk, not to mention great str. Any comments?
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War/Drk, comments or suggestions plz.
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war/drk can't tank better AND deal better than damage than Monk/Samurai/Ninja subbed it's like the ideal sub for it (besides in higher levels people use Samurai or Ninja).Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
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Drk sub offer little benefit to war, beside from level 20-30 where you gain access to the drk attack bonus 1. War get attack bonus 1 at 30 so you lose this advantage there.
Subbed drk magic isn't worth it, you get low mp and low skill so your spells will get resisted, always or very often. Only good thing is to poison to pull, but you can get a boomerang for 500g.
Drk sub is only decent if you plan on fighting a lot of arcana type mob, like bombs, where ther arcana killer trait will be usefull and you can use weapon bash to stop their self destruct attack.war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19
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If you want to use a great axe, then use a great axe. Nothing is preventing you from doing that. It sounds like the only reason that you want to sub DRK anyway is to up your attack. Well as some other post mentioned, DRK's attack up trait will be nullified by WAR's. Also, you will not get any of DRK's attack up abilities til way later in the game. Its hard to have a good tank that will do good damage at the same time, but with WAR, you can go either way. If you want to tank, then sub MNK and up your vit and defense. If you want to do damage, then up your attack and acc and go NIN or SAM. If you try to do both tanking and attacking, it just wont work. You will be a half ass tank and a half ass damage dealer.DRK 25 / WAR 30 / THF 25 / MNK 19
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from: http://ffxi.cogn.net/forums/showthre...threadid=28547
If you are talking about using this combo for solo purposes anything is acceptable. But lets look at this combo in a PT setup.
In a PT you need 6 people playing specific ROLES. you need Tanks, damage dealers, supporters and healers. What role do you wish to play as a WAR/DRK?
An attacker? DRK main, SAM main, DRG main does this better. Even WAR/SAM for TP spamming WS.
An attacker/defender? WAR/MNK is better. more hp, dodge ability, and counter since you are taking the hits.
IMHO dark as a sub is crippling his drain ability (most important spell in his repertoire) and his Magic Bursting. (something skilled darks should be doing consistant) all you are really gaining is the attack bonuses. Using darkness/souleater is nice but i'd rather have a sam sub by level 60 if you want to do damage. souleater + WAR AF adding hate already = mages spamming cures on you without the ability to drain hp back.
I would go WAR/SAM post 60 if i wanted to boost WAR attacking or WAR/MNK if i wanted to enhance defence. IMO Dark is not meant to be subbed.
Originally posted by SevIfritwe asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...
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There isn't an inherent difference in the defense of a DRK/WAR and a WAR/DRK. The DRK inherits the Physical Defense Bonus when using /WAR. DRK/WAR actually has higher VIT than WAR/DRK. The reason that DRKs have low defense is that the quipment that DRKs choose to wear (Sniper Rings, Bonecrafted Earrings, etc.) is what makes DRK's defense so crappy. We also tend to pick armor that may not have the highest defense rating to boost more important stats (Brigandine instead of I.M. Cuirass). DRK has access to all of the same armor as WAR and PLD, as well as most of the PLD shields, which are higher defense than the WAR shields. So in reality, DRK's defense isn't bad at all, until you make your equipment suit your intended role in battle.
By subbing DRK, you gain 10 more attack (insignificant by the time you get it at lv.60), last resort (ask any DRK, it's craptastic), and Souleater (which you can't be using if you are the tank). The STR figure for both is identical, so you gain nothing at all there.
As you said, you cripple your magic too, which is already crippled enough at lv.60+ when your spells do 1/4 the damage for BLM.
Everybody else already said everything else that i would normally add.
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I know it will cripple my magic, i stated that, im not retarded. I didnt know that the attack bonuses wouldnt stack. Thats all, you people really need to stop retstating what other people have already said, its repetitive and pointless. Also, you guys seem very aggresive, you could just say "The attack bonuses dont stack." then i would be like ok i wont do it then. You dont need to go all out and restate what the post above yours just said.Redmage 43- Blackmage 23- Thief 15 -Warrior 20 -Dragoon 21-Dark Knight 10 -Bard 8
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unforunatally its been my experiense that being brutally honest, while seeming mean, is the most effective way. honestlly all adv jobs except for maybe sam/sum are meant to be and should only be used for main jobs. if u thought subbing a mage to a melee was bad, how can subbing a hybrid to a melee be any better? (hybrids meaning pal/dkn) u get crap spells, minimal mp pool, and, well frankly you waste my timeMarch 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
Use search, or deal with assholes like me
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Dark Knight subbed has little to offer. I hate to break out the stat calculator, but it is necessary in this case.
Hume Warrior/Dark Knight
HP: 1389
MP: 80
DRK subbed at 75 offers 2 more strength than monk. Monk offers 1 more dexterity, 2 more vitality, and 2 more agility. The difference in stats is trivial at higher level, but monk just offers more useful active abilities and job traits than /drk. Dodge, Focus, Max HP Boost, limited hand to hand capability, counter. About 100 more HP than /drk.Currently Playing:
City of Heroes
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I don't know about you, but I'm usually grateful when people answer my questions...
So what if people posted things that already were said, wasting a minute and a half of your life to read your post isn't really that big of a deal...
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War/drk isn't completely gimped, it's a half-decent combo at lower levels. I use it to level my warrior sub (mostly because my monk is too gimped). Last Resort alone makes me better at keeping hate than most other wars (as long as you cancel it right away...if you're tanking only use it gain hate, not increase your attack). I was fighting bats in garliage last night, no theif in the group, and we had a ranger doing some sick damage. I still kept aggro pretty much the whole time through chain provoking and Last Resort.
Overall war/mnk is better IMO, and especially at higher levels this combo will suffer. But it isn't that bad to play around with early on.
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