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Levels 1-18

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  • Levels 1-18

    I decided to get my Warrior back up to level 18.

    I already have Monk to 18 and I am going to sub that for obvious reasons.

    I know I should wear a shield and use an Axe but should I also use a Great Axe even though I will quit Warrior at 30.

    My question is should I equip Bomb Ring or +2 Vitality Ring at lower levels? I can easily afford either just needing to know which would be better? I am a Galka so damage isn't a problem.

    And also should I worry about using Great Axe since I won't be leveling WAR after 30?

  • #2
    Since you are galka, i would eqquip the vit +2 ring. You already have tons of hp, so up your already high vitality instead. And about the great axe, use it or great sword. If you plan on playing DRK or DRG after, then just lvl scythe or polearm when you get those jobs.
    DRK 25 / WAR 30 / THF 25 / MNK 19


    • #3
      I'm a former MNK who (temporarily) gave it up at level 17 after getting sick of a little place called *shudder* Valkurm. I tried a Warrior and liked it but, alas, I find myself back in *shudder* Valkurm.

      I didn't really know what weapon the Warrior was best at. Only now, at level 11, with a Sword and Shield trying to tank to the best of my ability, do I know that it's great axe. But I'm still in *shudder* Valkurm, with better equipment waiting in my inventory for when I level up, and am determined to stick until, dammit, my subjob items and eighteenth level are obtained.

      But, in this process, I think I've found that I like the WAR and I still like the MNK and will probably be (eventually) a WAR/MNK and MNK/WAR for the rest of my FFXI career.

      So, my questions:

      1. Should I suck it up, run back to San d'Oria (or Bastok, since I logged off in Konschtat) and pick me up a "Grated Axe," or can I stick with my current getup until LV18 and my subjob items finally find their way into my grubby hands, then level my Great Axe skills later?
      2. Would it be faster just to switch back to MNK to complete my aforementioned task?


      • #4
        if you don't ever plan on taking your WAR past 30, I wouldn't worry bout the G Axe; 1H Axe is sufficient.

        i'd go switch back to your mnk and get that subjob quest done with first (it would be faster).

        if you plan on going career WAR (40+) it's a good idea to train 1H Axe and G Axe. I carry them both while in PT's and if one caps, I switch over to the other. Only thing is, if you're main tank, you'd want to use the shield so your G Axe skills might fall behind. I wouldn't worry about it too much at your point. Get that subjob first and worry about lvling G Axe later.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Originally posted by neighbortaru
          i'd go switch back to your mnk and get that subjob quest done with first (it would be faster).

          if you plan on going career WAR (40+) it's a good idea to train 1H Axe and G Axe. I carry them both while in PT's and if one caps, I switch over to the other. Only thing is, if you're main tank, you'd want to use the shield so your G Axe skills might fall behind. I wouldn't worry about it too much at your point. Get that subjob first and worry about lvling G Axe later.
          Thanks for the guidance! Much obliged and such.


          • #6
            Serif: Since your a galka with war subbed with mnk (I hope) I am 80% sure you will be a tank in a party all my other warrior's where and always was. Since your starting ring helps a lot you can use it up to lvl 30 and just buy 1 dex ring (if your using great axe). Also one vit ring (If your tanking) bastok ring is so good since it brings hp 3 XD 1 dex+ and 1 vit+. After thats done you'll be fine I think you should get Warrior's belt a good thing to buy for tanking. And use Great Axe and Axe it's fun to use.

            cma: It's a pain when your a monk with no sub job and you can't provoke... so it's a pain getting into a pt so I quit around lvl 15 and went to warrior and took it to 30 with no sub job problem and progressed fast in the game. Witch every road you choose to get your sub job items it will be a pain.
            Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

            Merits - 98
            Goldsmith - 85.2


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rico
              cma: It's a pain when your a monk with no sub job and you can't provoke... so it's a pain getting into a pt so I quit around lvl 15 and went to warrior and took it to 30 with no sub job problem and progressed fast in the game. Witch every road you choose to get your sub job items it will be a pain.
              Thank you as well. Much appreciated.


              • #8
                To be even more efficient level up sword, axe, gaxe and polearm lol.

