I was wondering whether or not a Tarutaru can succeed as a Warrior in FFXI. And by "succeed" I mean be an efficent and helpful member of a PT. I have a good knowledge of Taru melees in general, especially theives (which I played to level 40 in the beta) but Warriors are different. As a Warrior your role in the PT is to provoke and take dammage, which a Taru cannot do so well. However, as I think I could overcome the HP and Strength gimp with good equipment and lots of wepon skill leveling, I was still wondering aboiut getting PT invites. From what I gather, Taru Monks are the worst Taru melees, and have the hardest time finding a PT. Is it the same for Taru Warriors as well? What would my role be in the party if I were to get an invite? Would I be expected to provoke and take dammage as a main tank, or act as a back up tank? The main issue here for me is mainly about PTs. I don't want to be someone who tags along in a PT and doesn't help at all. So what can I do, if a Taru Warrior is viable, to help out my PT? I consider myself a pretty compotent player, but is that really enough? Should I get as much stat boosting equipment as possible? Or what...?
THANK-YOU FOR ANY INPUT!!! I really appreciate it.
THANK-YOU FOR ANY INPUT!!! I really appreciate it.