I have a difficult time understanding why some people use and react to provoke the way they do. There is solid documentation out there that says how provoke works and how it should be used. I am posting this in the hopes that those who don't know how the skill works will learn while those that know how the skill works can add on their wisdom.
The other reason I am posting this is because I know that I have received scathing comments from certain people that disagree with the way I use provoke, which is the way it is recommended by anyone who has read enough hard data on it. I am not here to brag about my skill in game. I think I am mediocre in some ways, such as an understanding of magic, but I am well informed in others. I hope that this helps dispels misconceptions while bolstering understanding of what it is warriors and subbed warriors do.
Provoke accumulates hate towards the provoker equal to an unspecified amount of damage. While we don’t know the exact amount, we can estimate with some level of confidence where the hate generation. The higher the provokers Cha stat, the more agro accumulated by the provoke. The increase based on Cha is comparative to the amount of extra un-resisted damage generated by a high Int.
Provoke stacks much like damage does. Basically, a tank that chain provokes, aka not provoking only when the mob breaks, will generate a higher overall amount of agro. This seems to be a contested point among many tanks, but there is no need for it to be contested. It is proven. Many people are confusing provoke with Taunt from another MMORPG. Taunt in the other game gives the tank hate equal to the highest person on the agro list plus one. In this game, it is the equivalent of hitting with a large amount of damage at a fixed interval.
The other reason I am posting this is because I know that I have received scathing comments from certain people that disagree with the way I use provoke, which is the way it is recommended by anyone who has read enough hard data on it. I am not here to brag about my skill in game. I think I am mediocre in some ways, such as an understanding of magic, but I am well informed in others. I hope that this helps dispels misconceptions while bolstering understanding of what it is warriors and subbed warriors do.
Provoke accumulates hate towards the provoker equal to an unspecified amount of damage. While we don’t know the exact amount, we can estimate with some level of confidence where the hate generation. The higher the provokers Cha stat, the more agro accumulated by the provoke. The increase based on Cha is comparative to the amount of extra un-resisted damage generated by a high Int.
Provoke stacks much like damage does. Basically, a tank that chain provokes, aka not provoking only when the mob breaks, will generate a higher overall amount of agro. This seems to be a contested point among many tanks, but there is no need for it to be contested. It is proven. Many people are confusing provoke with Taunt from another MMORPG. Taunt in the other game gives the tank hate equal to the highest person on the agro list plus one. In this game, it is the equivalent of hitting with a large amount of damage at a fixed interval.