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WARs, Please learn how to PT

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  • WARs, Please learn how to PT

    First I want to state that this is only directed to those who do not understand how to properly use provoke and agro.

    I am a WAR to start with. Hit level 17 so far. Im a newb to FFXI. But, so far I have encountered too many WARs that dont know how to party.

    Last nights group: 18whm, 19blm/whm, 17war(me), 19war/mnk, 19mnk/war, 19pal/war. Pally was the tank, of course. war/mnk puller, pulled with provoke... Target hit the party and both the war/mnk and mnk/war kept their provokes going as soon as it came up for them. The dam mob turned into a yo-yo and the whm had a frustrating time healing 3 different guys.

    Is this a common problem, I understand that there's a learning curve to every game and I am still low level, but thats almost a common sense. I was worried about living up to the expectations of more advanced ffxi players but I find myself having to explain the basics of PT'n too often.

    To WARs that dont understand this. Please help control agro. Provoke is a great tool but dont spam it if you are not the main tank.
    If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!

  • #2
    You shouldn't have 4 melee and 2 mages it's just too much of hassle. Did you tell them not to provoke? that the paladin was the main tank?
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #3
      First I want to state that this is only directed to those who do not understand how to properly use provoke and agro.

      I am a WAR to start with. Hit level 17 so far. Im a newb to FFXI. But, so far I have encountered too many WARs that dont know how to party.

      Last nights group: 18whm, 19blm/whm, 17war(me), 19war/mnk, 19mnk/war, 19pal/war. Pally was the tank, of course. war/mnk puller, pulled with provoke... Target hit the party and both the war/mnk and mnk/war kept their provokes going as soon as it came up for them. The dam mob turned into a yo-yo and the whm had a frustrating time healing 3 different guys.

      Is this a common problem, I understand that there's a learning curve to every game and I am still low level, but thats almost a common sense. I was worried about living up to the expectations of more advanced ffxi players but I find myself having to explain the basics of PT'n too often.

      To WARs that dont understand this. Please help control agro. Provoke is a great tool but dont spam it if you are not the main tank.

      (Orginal quote)

      Um...? i am very confused about what u just said. Why wasn't the pld/war holding hate?... i read this through i think 8 times now... and i still do not understand the point u are trying to get across.?
      ^^ So I was standing there one day... minding my own buisness... and bam a behomath pops out of no where!I swear revenge upon my code of Paladin.
      (imagine that's my lil pally in lvl 24 chainmail : )


      • #4
        No, Rico is saying that you should have tried to organize your party. Tell the other group members that the PLD will be tanking mostly. Then you should have designated one other person to voke just in case the PLD needs help (which he shouldn't). Try to speak up, its your party too. If you see a problem in it and think you have a good idea to solve it, voice your opinion. Instead of just sitting back and saying stupid noobs, everybodys spamming voke, try to help the situation. Be a leader.
        DRK 25 / WAR 30 / THF 25 / MNK 19


        • #5
          at low levels PLD cant hold aggro and needs some help. The PLD will do the tanking but when it goes after the mages and his voke is refreshing PROVOKE!!!


          • #6
            lvl 20 PLD should have no problems handling hate. He should be able to keep it, unless you have a BLM spamming nuke.
            DRK 25 / WAR 30 / THF 25 / MNK 19


            • #7
              They lose hate because their MP isn't too great and when they run out of spells or whatever the monster goes for the mages. I have seen good PLD slip a few times and then we just provoke it off them. Then he gets aggro back for rest of battle.


              • #8
                1. The pally tried to hold hate but the 2 other wars kept spaming provoke, didnt give the pally enought time to build the hate

                2. we told them,multiple times, not to use provoke unless the mages get agro but it took a while for them to understand

                3. the puller used provoke to pull, until we bitched at him multiple times

                4. this was a semi low level group(18's) so we were just looking for some xp. seems at this level we can get away with 4 melee's

                It just suprises me that by this level some people still dont understand how PT'n and agro works.

                I do have a question with hate though. Does hate build through out the whole battle or will it wear off after time. For example, does the Hate from provoke wear off after a given time or does it just ad to your "hate pool"?

                Thanks much, guess i had to vent.
                If this dont make your booty move, your booty must be dead!


                • #9

                  In referencing since I only understand partially about hate/emnity, you do both during the course of battle. You build up hate each time you attack, cast a spell, use an ability (stealing gains hate). You lose hate each time you get hit. It explains why a monster will go after a set person then switch to someone else who has done more damage or who has cured the bejesus out of the tank.
                  Carbuncle Server:
                  Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
                  Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


                  • #10
                    If they where that big a problem .... just kick them out. I dont stress my self out for people that dont listen.
                    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                    Merits - 98
                    Goldsmith - 85.2


                    • #11
                      "3. the puller used provoke to pull, until we bitched at him multiple times"

                      What job was your puller? WAR/MNK? Why shouldn't he use provoke to pull the mob?


                      • #12
                        He shouldn't be provking at all thats why WAR's can use Bommerangs and Bows so they wont waste a provoke for it and do it in a safer range.
                        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                        Merits - 98
                        Goldsmith - 85.2


                        • #13
                          Not everyone is rich, resourceful, or knowledgeable. Boomerangs don't cost much (Coarse Boomerangs do though when you're new), but the other warriors in that group probably didn't even realize that they could use/equip a boomerang. And it's not like they sell them in Selbina. Most people at that level don't want to go back to town unless it's absolutely necessary, especially new players.

                          If they're far enough, the mob will have hit them a few times before they would get back to the camp site anyway, thus ensuring that the paladin gains the monster's attention when he/she provokes.
                          Carbuncle Server:
                          Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
                          Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


                          • #14
                            To my understanding PLDs only get better than Warriors for tanking purposed after level 30?

                            Correct me if I am wrong ˆˆ


                            • #15
                              The difference isn't THAT noticable until 30+, but a PLD is built for tanking so you should always let them tank.

                              In regards to pulling with Provoke, I hate that. I played PLD for a while and whenever the puller would pull with provoke, he'd bring it back to camp, I'd provoke, and it would still stay on him. I'd spam some cures and it would turn back to me, but in the end its adds too much hate to the person you don't want hate on.
                              Aubrie - Hume - Warrior\Monk

