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The WAR/PLD and the PLD/WAR

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  • The WAR/PLD and the PLD/WAR

    Well most will say that PLD/WAR can hold more hate i am not sure. Seeing that both AF armours increase enimity for WAR and PLD, i am sure the WAR is still a tank somewhat in the higher levels. Now i am wondering, which person can hold the hate better? The WAR/PLD, or PLD/WAR?

    -Warcry(you get it earlier than PLD)
    -The combination of Warcry/Beserk hit(i read that from another thread that the BLMs can just keep nuking and the mob wont leave, i am basing it on that, please debate on it, i am not sure).
    -Sentinel at lvl 60
    -Shield Bash at lvl 30
    -Two passive DEF up Traits
    -Defender Early at lvl 25
    -Resist Virus
    -Flash at lvl 75(right?)
    -Cover(lvl 70)

    -Invincibility(tho i wont count this as reliable...its a 2hr)
    -3 DEF up Traits
    -Cure line of spells are more viable with more MP
    -Sheild Bash early
    -Resist Virus(lvl 30)

    Well as i look at this i aint sure which are better, is PLD/WAR better? or WAR/PLD? Or are they both about the same that it doesnt matter? Please note that i do know many say that PLD/WAR is one of the best if not better tank than WAR, but seeing the skills here...i can only wonder. Please i like to know your opinions and observations. Thanks

  • #2
    In the Long run I think PLD/WAR will be better due to the fact you can hold hate longer with more mp also PLD get Defender(when are in lvl 50) which helps out alot. I belive PLD armor has more eminity than Warrior AF and warrior at high levels dont tank as much at high lvls.
    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

    Merits - 98
    Goldsmith - 85.2


    • #3
      Um i am pretty certain Defender is a WAR ability which is learned at lvl 25


      • #4
        Opps my mistake I meant Warrior let me edit that. I personaly belive Warrior tank better with monk cause they get more hp they get counter also plus dodge.
        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

        Merits - 98
        Goldsmith - 85.2


        • #5
          war/ninja at 75 has both blinks, dw and other random ninja tricks. also imo subbing pal/dkn is a waste of time b/c these jobs while intended to be main jobs, a pal or dkn's already sparse manapool will be even more impared by being a sub, thus making it unreliable. the added dex from theif is nice, monks have the mentioned hps and dodge, sam have 3rd eye, which is nice for xxxpugil readies screwdriver (i think that works on that) and meditate + armor/shield break is also nice right off the start. i would do yourself a favor and have more than one sub ready in case u need to change for your parties sake, also makes u alot more attractive to groups to have more options
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


          • #6
            Maybe post 60 war/pld could do some decent stuff, but you'll be nowhere close on how a pld/war can hold hate.

            Below 60 all you will get is low amount of mp, probably half you will get by subbing whm, shield bash is usefull for blocking specials like bombs but most of the time i use a great axe for extra dmg and shield break ws.

            You'll get flash as 74/37 but at the same time you won't have much mp to cast this spell many times.

            I think you can accomplish better things be using mnk, thf, sam, nin or whm/rdm sub as a war in a group.
            war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


            • #7
              Just wanted to note that Pal AF has +8 enmity, and War AF has +15 enmity.
              Immovable stone in your world of weak.


              • #8
                Andorhall , that just meant square's original design was to have warriors as main tank but we as players are free to explore the game however we liked....

                I, personally think WAR/PLD is a bad choice... if you want to play a defensive tanker, WAR/MNK and PLD/WAR are the best... WAR/PLD's cons? low mp, less skill to pump hate, less stat bonus... how do WAR/MNK earn hate? boost, focus, dodge, etc can earn a lot of hate, and MNK gives simular VIT bonus to PLD sub if not more... check my post earlier on a hume war with various sub... 'Warrior's sub' I think I named the post... after 50, I don't know, but before 50, WAR/MNK, WAR/NIN are better at tanking while WAR/SAM(60), WAR/THF are better at attacking ^^


                • #9
                  pld is one of the most unviable subs in the game.

                  I've yet to see a single person (low or high lvl) using it... and I think anyone that tries it will realise within less than half an hour, how bad a sub it is (along with drk and drg).

                  That said, as a main, Paladin simply gets to look much better in their AF than the War in their AF :p


                  • #10
                    ok, i Was gonna be a war/pld... now im wondering... i realy like being war, and i Love tanking. i dont want to give up the attacks as a pld, and i dont want to give up the defence as a drk...

                    so if i want to tank with my war at 30+ lvls then what should my sub be? if i take my pld to 30 i should still keep my war subbed, right? i have seen pld/whm, i am assuming it was for the added mp, but is that a good idea for a tank?

                    for the record the only advanced job i plan on unlocking is pld, because its the only one that appeals to me.
                    Nation: Bastok
                    Rank: 5 /blush
                    Crafts: Fishing-9 Blacksmithing-7 Goldsmithing-2


                    • #11
                      war/monk is fairly viable, as is war/ninja, and lvl 60+ war/sam is nice for mediate+breaks
                      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                      • #12
                        NEVER EVER EVER EVER do PLD/WHM

                        No Prov = no tanky for the paladiny

                        Warrior TP Warrior WS

