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Suggestion Thread for Guide

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  • Suggestion Thread for Guide

    Ok I need information on the following.

    - More info for roles 30+

    - Info on breaker WS. (how much TP exactly should i save ur WS up before using shield breaker..?)

    - More on some other stuff but i forgot. Type some stuff in please. This is your Guide too.

  • #2
    Role past Lv 30: You are kinda of a place filler in the abscense of a PLD for tank or a DRK/RNG/BLM as damage dealer.

    As for when using Shield break... whenever you can is the best, no use holding it back really, well, unless the monsters has 5% health left but anyhoo.
    "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
    - Old saying


    • #3
      Thanks to tongyang for posting this info earlier.

      Shield Break = Ice
      Armor Break = Wind
      Weapon Break = Water
      Full Break = Earth

      100% TP = 3 minutes
      200% TP = 4 minutes
      300% TP = 5 minutes

      There are 3 scenarios when a Break WS is performed - Full effect, Half resist, total resist.

      1) Total Resist - usually when the enemy is strong against the element of the Break WS itself. For example: Using Shield Break vs Skeleton enemies (they have high resist vs Ice). That means there will be no evade down for the enemy.

      2) Half Resist - usually when the enemy has no weakness/strength against the Break WS. This means the time interval of which the Break is valid is halved. For example, Shield Break, if not half resisted, has around a 3 minute window of which evade down is in effect, but if half resist, it only is in effect for 1 minute and a half.

      3) Full effect - usually when the enemy has an weakness to the Break WS. For example, Shield Break vs Crawlers. It has full effect in that 3 minutes.


      • #4
        GREAT INFO! I hope you dont mind me copy and pasting that into the guide.

        *P.S. Can someone get me some info on what to put for 1h axe.


        • #5
          Role after is the gap filler utility melee, if your group needs a dmg dealer use a 2h hand weap, go berserk and use mithkabobs for food. If your group need a tank use boiled crab/fishkabobs and 1h weap/shield.

          Depending on situation you can use the Break Ws to counter mob specials abilities, today is was in a group in garlaige killing bats/beetles, beetles can use rhino guard that increase their evade, so you counter this with shield break, turning that IT mob high evade to IT mob low evade.

          In the same group, was pld, sam, war, 2 whm and me (war) i was a dmg dealer, then pld left for rdm and i became tank.

          For 1h axe, your dmg ws is raging axe that land 2 hits and utility ws is smash axe for it's stun to stop long spells or bombs. Gale axe isn't really worth it and avalanche axe deals ok dmg. For dmg i use raging axe unless other melee ws don't chain with it, then i'll use avalanche axe.

          For 2h axe, your dmg ws is sturmwind and the utility ws are the Break serie. Iron tempest isn't worth using.

          For my garlaige group, when i was tanking i was using avalanche axe ws to chain it with sam that was leveling his spear into a distorsion chain, causing maybe 30-40 dmg with extra 20-30 to IT beetles.
          war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


          • #6
            I noticed you really only have suggested one path for a WAR to follow subjob wise in your guide, I really think you should rather reflect the benefits and disadvantages of using certain subjobs instead of telling everyone what YOU think is TEH UBAH SHIZNIT!

            From what I hear from the few people I know over Lv 60, you will be asked to switch subjob depending on the group setup, so it's really a good idea to invest the time and Gil to have more than one subjob leveled at this point, and not just limit yourself to one.
            "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
            - Old saying


            • #7
              yeah but those are the roles. Ill have the subjobs up soon..


              • #8


                • #9
                  Please post your sources on the guide. (For ex. give some credit to Tongyang regarding the breaks).



                  • #10
                    I plan to when it is done .


                    • #11
                      I need to have someone right me a good and detailed subjob section for Monk, Ninja, Thief, and Samurai. I will put it in guide and you will be added in the thanks list. Also i need a moderator to delete all posts after the guide.


                      • #12
                        From what I've observed, /SAM completely replaces /MNK after 60 due to the TP charge ability. WAR itself is a very complete job with all actives and passives it needs to be self-sufficient, MNK sub really only added to Def and HP (counter might have been a plus, but I think an extra WS every 3 minutes does more damage than a counter every now and then :p). SAM sub gives a very similar amount of both, only at 60 the TP recharge ability is a major plus, especially because breaks miss a lot. Tanking bonuses are about equal if you factor in the 3rd-eye ability.

                        WAR/NIN is also much more useful now if not using 2h axe (shield break is less effective at higher levels), and after 74 it's simply incredible. It's useful from low levels up with blink and dual wield, but it kind of stops for awhile at 60 because of raging rush (which is obviously more compatible w/ SAM sub than w/ NIN sub, do the math). However, it makes an appearance again at 66 when you get 1h axe's 225 WS, which you'll end up using in more than half or your parties.

                        Another thing about nin sub, dual wielding axes isn't very good. It's best to dual-wield 2 different weapons, axe in one hand, most likely 1h sword in the other. At lower levels, this is because 1h sword is usually more useful in skillchains, but you use the axe for consistent damage and gaining TP, while at higher levels you'll find some really kickass 1h swords that may add a buttload to stats or have very nice attack attributes (like fafnir's sword, 2~3 swings). Wielding 2 of the same weapon type is usually kind of redundant, unless you're RNG using them for multiple stat boosts, or NIN main where it gives a major speed increase, not a small one like with it subbed.
                        DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



                        • #13
                          I tried the war/nin tonight again and it's a good sub especially if you dual wield 1h axe you can do some pretty sick dmg from time to time. In 1 attack i got 4 swing for 200 dmg but got that only once in a 3hours group.

                          Blink tanking is ok, you can blink the 1st 6 hit easily by having a blink on you at the start on casting a new one once you have 1 shadow left. Casting a blink in battle is hard due the 4sec cast time of utsusemi, if you want to try it use a whm and try to cast regen on yourself while tanking, you'll notice that you get interrupted quite often unless you time it perfectly. Utsusemi has also a 24 sec recast timer. I would say don't count on blink to save you if you get in trouble cause if mob gets a double attack you'll get interrupted very often.

                          Cost wise i end using 1 stack of shihei every 2-3 hours and i blink 2-3 times per fight usually. I think both mnk and nin should be considered when tanking cause blink will also allow you to dodge physical ws, i think i blinked a 1 or 2 exorays frog kicks tonight. Monk gives you better defensive skills overall like dodge/counter.

                          For Awntawn suggestion about 2 diff weapons, it probably a good idea to select 1 weap for dmg and another for stat boost. Maybe i'll try this but 1st i'll need to level my sword skill from 50 to 130. Most war will end up leveling sword at some point for spirit within ws due to the very high dmg it does.
                          war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


                          • #14
                            THANKS! I will include your name in the faq credits awntawn.


                            • #15
                              posts would be appreciated. Withought them teh faq is sorta left hanging there.

