hrmm I didnt' intend this to turn into a flame war. My point was that you came on this board with the kind of attitude that "hey all, pay attention to me. I risk my life and I die a lot to try to save people, if you're not like me then you're not a *true warrior." Then later on you criticize another player for not playing in your style, and later criticize me because I don't agree with your justification. Fact of the matter is, when you start judging other people's play style, and throw things around like "you're not a real warrior if you don't..." or "you're only a true warrior if you.." get prepared to hear a lot of backlash.
Powergamer? Maybe. I like a healthy RP, but not as a way of consoling myself for a great xp debt due to a bad group. I don't hide my frustration behind fraudulent claims of valor, call it RP and ask everyone to pay attention to me. So, here I'll give it to ya:
Congratz man, you are the epitome of warriorness. Your self sacrificing ways are an inspiration to us all. If all warriors were like you, this game would be perfect. You sir, are my hero.
Powergamer? Maybe. I like a healthy RP, but not as a way of consoling myself for a great xp debt due to a bad group. I don't hide my frustration behind fraudulent claims of valor, call it RP and ask everyone to pay attention to me. So, here I'll give it to ya:
Congratz man, you are the epitome of warriorness. Your self sacrificing ways are an inspiration to us all. If all warriors were like you, this game would be perfect. You sir, are my hero.