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TRUE WARS *Must read*

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  • #16
    hrmm I didnt' intend this to turn into a flame war. My point was that you came on this board with the kind of attitude that "hey all, pay attention to me. I risk my life and I die a lot to try to save people, if you're not like me then you're not a *true warrior." Then later on you criticize another player for not playing in your style, and later criticize me because I don't agree with your justification. Fact of the matter is, when you start judging other people's play style, and throw things around like "you're not a real warrior if you don't..." or "you're only a true warrior if you.." get prepared to hear a lot of backlash.

    Powergamer? Maybe. I like a healthy RP, but not as a way of consoling myself for a great xp debt due to a bad group. I don't hide my frustration behind fraudulent claims of valor, call it RP and ask everyone to pay attention to me. So, here I'll give it to ya:

    Congratz man, you are the epitome of warriorness. Your self sacrificing ways are an inspiration to us all. If all warriors were like you, this game would be perfect. You sir, are my hero.


    • #17

      yeah im 15 buddy, and + Bourne, just lay off man, j3sus, i mean what would you do if u got aggroed like a mother in Valcrum??? i was 11 there when i died like that, o and i diudnt just loose the 1400, i gained 2 leveles at the same time, cuz we were going bitch and tink at a group of 11s.


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Heretic
        Samurais serve no-one, they are masters of themselves. Says so right in the manual.

        Warriors are meant to sacrifice for their party, but if died 7 times in 2 hours, its time to find a new one.

        In the players guide, it says samurais are bound to their lords, they are a tool to in which their lord's will is enforced.

        'real life' samurai are always beneath a lord. That's the difference between a Samurai and some warrior with a katana.

        and Warriors got the ONE ability needed to be tank, provoke, which kinda sets them as the 'brave defender' role.
        Though later on, they sorta become the 'middle of the road' fighter who can be offensive or defensive, depending on weapons choice n' subjob


        • #19
          heh this post is funny.

          when you are dying that often to save the lives of the rest of the party, the only thing "true" is that your party is da suck.

          I'm glad you can rationalize your way around it and keep up a straight face, but i personally find this sad. i would have quit the party long ago.

          ps. there is no honor in dying senselessly

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #20
            Dying to save friends is one thing. Dying to save a party that won't zone is ridiculous. If you are going to die for your party they damn well better earn that right.

            Blind honour is stupidity.

            36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
            Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


            • #21
              If you died 7 times in 2 hours id tell the WHM to do a better job
              ZEPPELIN RULES!!


              • #22
                yeah im 15 buddy, and + Bourne, just lay off man, j3sus, i mean what would you do if u got aggroed like a mother in Valcrum??? i was 11 there when i died like that, o and i diudnt just loose the 1400, i gained 2 leveles at the same time, cuz we were going bitch and tink at a group of 11s.
                Lolololololololololololololololololololol can't stop laughing please go on really this is priceless.


                • #23

                  omg u guys r t3h ^^, lol omg


                  • #24
                    LOL omg this topic is like so closed omg.
                    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                    Merits - 98
                    Goldsmith - 85.2

