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TRUE WARS *Must read*

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  • TRUE WARS *Must read*

    I dont know about all of you, but warriors arent cowards and make sacrifices
    Today, I was in a PT as always, im tanking in dunes, while I made over 7 sacrifices in 2 hours to save my team, witch is 1400 experience points. I was diguested when I saw another group some of my LS members were i, hunting right by us, when i saw the warrior fleeing and the rest of the group die. If you are a warrior, take the pride and get slain for your group, with honor. Any replies would be greatly appretiated, especialy if you are a true warrior also.
    "A true warrior is not determined by the might of his sword or how valiant his steed is, but is judged by honor and that alone"

  • #2
    I see a warrior as more of a viking berserker of some kind (due to the use of berserk, axes, etc.) who doesn't really care much for his or her teammates.
    What you say reminds me more of a PLD, or SAM even..
    "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
    - Old saying


    • #3
      Samurais serve no-one, they are masters of themselves. Says so right in the manual.

      Warriors are meant to sacrifice for their party, but if died 7 times in 2 hours, its time to find a new one.
      Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


      • #4
        When i get the game im going to be a warrior and so if we need to flee i will stay until everyone is away to safety before i consider fleeing


        • #5
          Actually, if you don't mind training the mob to zone, causing troubles for others.... you could hold the mob with provoke, if possible, and hold the mob near zone, til your team passed, then go in, that's what I do... and I never died, and I managed to protect my teams... then if possible, we will switch to a high lvl job, and go out to beat the day out of the mob...


          • #6
            this kind of soapbox thinking is just ridiculous. Sure, if you prove that you're willing to stick around and take a death while your grop escapes, someone might remember that and it may get you invited to a group or two later on. But honestly, This is a game, not some noble mission that you're going to alter the course of human history if you take one for the team. I think it's completely up to you if you decide to run or not. Throwing around crap like calling peopel "real warriors" or not because they die, is just short sighted. And I really think the whole valiant, noble self sacrificing virtue you seem to be describing is more traditionally linked to Paladin than warriors. Warriors are the crazy Lager Swilling, womanizing Death dealers. I think the only way they'd stick their neck out for anyone would be for their healer, and that's because he/she is the one keeping them alive long enough to kill more stuff.

            Furthermore, If you're dying so much that you loose that kind of xp, what kind of player are you to stick with a group like that? It really makes me wonder.

            don't come down on the way other people decide to choose to play in an attempt to make yourself feel better for losing 1400 xp points. They pay the same price to play this game as you, they have to right to run if they want. POL isn't going to revoke their account because they ran.

            that having been said, I generally stay so people can escape, but I'm not gonna talk trash about people that don't. It's thinking you're better because you did, that makes your sacrifices pointless. Valor isn't valor if you try to brag about it.


            • #7
              sorry if u dont like roleplaying, buddy, but some do, and thats why I said all of this.


              • #8
                well, under the same notion; if you like to RP fine, but dont' come down on those that don't.

                and besides, I still think your definition of RP for a war is wrong. to me, loosing a ton of xp for the sake of RP in a group that can't keep it together is lame, not fun, and not worth the money spent on the game.


                • #9
                  *cough* powergamer *cough*


                  • #10

                    Lmao @ uberdude
                    hey anyway, buddy, if u think that 12 dollars is a lot of money, then what are ya, 12? lmao, guys, MMORPG games are for people who want to escape, unwind, and have a good time, ok?


                    • #11
                      Then go play the game and have fun and not come here telling people how they should play their Warriors, just because you lost 1400 exp.
                      Not everyone roleplays, and not everyone wants to die over someone elses mistake(bad pull/link/messing up in battle).
                      If you die that many times in 2 hours, you REALLY need to get into a new PT or pull weaker mobs.
                      Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
                      Ninja - 75
                      Paladin - 44
                      Warrior - 39
                      Thief - 37
                      Samurai - 32
                      Ranger - 25
                      Monk - 24
                      Beast Master - 20
                      Black Mage - 20
                      Whm - 14


                      • #12
                        stfu omg dude bullshit


                        • #13
                          a good pt usually won't have a "sacrifice."
                          i mean i was in a PT where people were fighting over who gets to be the sacrifice, both the WHM and the WAR.
                          seriously, just try to keep EVERYONE alive, don't try to be heroic by dying, try to safely evacuate everyone. if the blm caught banshee aggro and had full hp and you're down to 20 hp and you voke the banshee off of the blm as you retreat to tower, that's just stupid.


                          • #14
                            A safe party

                            Yep, good planning can solve all this. You don't really have to die to save the party. If you have a nice party, they would be prepared for situations like that as to avoid ANYONE from dying. We've had many situations where there would be a "Link". That didn't stop the party from functioning. We didn't exactly pack up and run. You can have your BLM try to sleep the link. If that doesn't work, have the BLM try things like Bind. Then have the RDM try it. If neither works, do your best to hold both monsters on you while you get heal'd while the rest of your party focuses on one monster. And if you really really have to run, you can still do so and live. The mages can still take turns casting cure I on you as you run. Just make sure you've got the monster's attention first. C'mon people, this game is supposed to have fun. Well, take care everyone!

                            Siren Server
                            48SAM, 30WAR, 26DRG, 25WHM, 15THF, 10SMN


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cynom
                              stfu omg dude bullshit

                              You know that the terms and conditions of POL require that you be at least 13 to play this game, right?

