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should i continue?

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  • should i continue?

    Warrior Guide & FAQ


    I am writing this FAQ because I think warrior is a very cool job. Some people may think of it as a chore till they reach 30. But this is to show you there is more to this job and how useful it is. I may not be high of a level warrior to be completely accurate but that is what the edit button is for J.

    P.S. Sorry if my FAQ is just like Awn, or imac’s, I am not too creative and I think you guys did a great job J.


    Warriors not only have a myriad of weapons, but also a great amount of roles they can play in a party.

    Role 1: In a part without a paladin or ninja, the warrior is expected to tank. Warriors have great defense and all warriors should be prepared to tank. To be efficient in tanking the warriror needs to…

    1. Eat defense enhancing foods.
    2. Have an equipment setup for tanking (subbing phalanx rings etc.)
    3. Sub MNK to be most effective.

    Role 2: A party with another tank such as paladin or ninja the WAR plays support tank/damage dealer. The warrior provokes when needed and uses breaker WSs at the beginning of the battle. The equip should be focused on +ATK and +ACC. Subbing /thf before 60 is preferred. Also 1h and 2h axe should be used to be effective in renkeis.


    Warrior simply has two A ranked weapons that should both be leveled up.

    1h Axe:

    Warrior has an A ranking with this weapon.

    Weapon Skills

    2h Axe

    Warrior has an A+ ranking with this weapon.

    Weapon Skills

    Im not sure if i should go on cuz its so crappy compared to everyone elses .

  • #2
    I would say that you should continue it, there arent any good warrior faqs/guides out there right now


    • #3
      I would continue i just dont wanna give out the wrong info since im low level. Can you guys post as much info as u can for me?


      • #4
        I think finishing this up would be a great idea. There are alot of misconceptions about the warrior class out there as the newer players all clamor to get advanced jobs, and the general attitude of advanced jobs > base jobs is quite rampant. Perhaps a guide like this could open some eys to what a warrior has to offer. I am not exactly high level yet but can contribute what I can. Just post what information you need and I will answer as best I can.
        Immovable stone in your world of weak.


        • #5
          Your server is Midgardsomr where I'm told Monks and Warriors are considered obsolete jobs which is utterly hysterical. If that is indeed true then it is hard to guide you when your opinions and job decisions are forced upon you by those around you.
          【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


          • #6
            Someone posted this somewhere : "War is like the rdm of melee." So their role will change from 1 group to another.

            There is usually 2 type of war : the i want to get to 30 and choose something else and the i will stay war all the way.

            1st will use any weap, preferably something it can use in his advanced job so he don't have to skill it up. The 2nd type will use axe/great axe and also level many weapon probably.

            War is the class that can use the most weapon type and i think that a 30+ should have more than 1 weap leveled starting with axe/great axe and maybe a spear or great sword to renkei with the always popular sneak/trick + viper.

            Since war can use so many weaps, it's hard to keep track on which ws is good and which isn't.
            My comments on great axe : break serie allows you to play the dispeller, mob boost defense, counter with armor break. Sturmwind is your break/butter, 2hit ws hard hitter and return 24% tp, till you get raging rush at 60, 3hit ws. I heard others ws in great axe pre 60 (keen edge and iron tempest) aren't worth it.

            For axe, raging axe for dmg ws since it's a 2hit ws (like fast blade) and smash axe for it's stun compoment, good to stop bombs or spells with long cast time. Gale axe isn't good, dmg like smash axe and get a blm to choke (vit decrease) if you really want it. I have no data for other axe ws.

            Good guide so far, keep it up.
            war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


            • #7
              From my own experience, i rank warrior has 8/10 on offensive and 6/10 on defensive and 8/10 on debuff.

              Warriors get beat down by plds on defensive at lvl 50 when plds get defender ability. Also warriors can not keep hate like plds, sometimes you gonna have fun ping pong ball with out a thf. Cause warriors only have provoke and warcry for keeping hate. But warriors can use the "breaks" while being a tank which plds can not do. over all warriors make a decent tank.

              On debuffs, so far i got shield break, armor break, and weapon breaks which are great axe's abilities. Shield Break is THE weapon skill i use from lvl 14 - lvl 56 which is the lvl i am right now. It debuffs enemies evasion from regular evasion to low evasion for like 3 mins that are weak against ice against me. More then 95% of monsters i fought are weak against ice and i would fight them untill i reach lvl 70. Shield break is too strong to solo alone and i do not join the renkei.

              On dealing damage, those people who say warriors can not do dmg i am gonna slap them. Compare to a drk, they deal out about 25% more per hit. when i use shield break and aggressor "ACC UP/Evasion down" my hit ratio is like 90%, which means i rarely miss. Each battle i miss like 2-3 times with these abilities. With out using these abilities, monsters has regular evasion. When i use aggressor they have low evasion, and when i use shield break they have like Low evasion + low evasion against me. Warriors damage come from ACC, and when you have more ACC that means you have more TP to use.

              Many ppl say subbing sam are awsome, so i will try once meditation once i get lvl 60.


              • #8
                people need to drop the attitude of warriors doing bad damage and beeing bad tanks, they are good at both and adaptable to great with right food / equip. (though not great tanks after LV50 maybe)

                I'm getting really tired of getting the answer "I'm only getting warrior to 30 so i can get DRK/DRG" when asking why havent you levelled your sub to those that have like LV5 thf/monk sub.. at LV27 or something, it makes me really annoyed

                Warriors may not do that good damage with sword but hey! swords arent really meant to do damage.. it is the PLDs main weapon and everyone knows PLD dont do good dmg..

                Warrior with greataxe is b-e-a-utiful, they do good damage and Shield Break is increadibly useful
                Working on Shura gear and God armors, so far: Suzaku Sune-ate


                • #9
                  Hey Token,

                  Following Awntawn's guide format that sounds really neat.

                  I am a lil skeptical cuz you're a new player, but maybe some veteran players can help out and make the guide solid.

                  Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Can I ask why you recommend THF sub pre-60? From my observations, there is nothing useful a THF sub can add for you pre-30. Stat-wise, it'll only get you a 1 pt DEX difference (iirc) compared to MNK sub, but the MNK will get you more HP, more VIT and a bit more STR.

                    post-30, I understand, is a different story.

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Subbing guild line
                      0-30 -> MNK is the best
                      30-59 -> MNK for keep hate, THF for 100% shield break/ws hit
                      60+ -> MNK,THF,SAM,NIN

                      after lvl 24, you may sub NIN also if you willy to burn your money with blink^^

                      if PT hard to find mages, you may also to be asked for sub whm.
                      btw.... sam really no use b4 lvl 60. MNK is the best for getting hate with the lvl 10 JA(forgot the name already).

                      for, the sub that need prepare for war usually are, MNK,SAM(60+),WHM. If pt dont mind+got main tank, you can sub thf.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by neighbortaru
                        Can I ask why you recommend THF sub pre-60? From my observations, there is nothing useful a THF sub can add for you pre-30. Stat-wise, it'll only get you a 1 pt DEX difference (iirc) compared to MNK sub, but the MNK will get you more HP, more VIT and a bit more STR.

                        post-30, I understand, is a different story.
                        When you're not not main tank, all Mnk's great def abilites (Counter, Vit, HP) are wasted.

                        Any Damage-Dealing melee job - Thf, Drk, even Drg will be a better sub then mnk if you're not tanking. Compare...

                        Early Sub Offensive Abilites
                        Mnk - Boost
                        Drg - Att up, Jump
                        Thf - Sneak
                        Drk - Att Up, Weapon Bash

                        ...and so forth.


                        • #13
                          Drg and drk has sub is worthless unless you're between 20-27 then they are decent sub because of their att bonus.

                          War get att bonus at lvl 30 and this bonus doesn't stack with the one you receive as a 20war/10 drg/drk. This leave you with sub with weak abilities like jump that might do 40 dmg every 90 sec or last resort that act as another provoke on a 5mins timer, after your war is level 30.

                          The diff of attack/defense between war/mnk and war/drk at 30/15 is 1 pts, example war/mnk got 120 att and 125 def then war/drk got 121 att and 124 def.

                          I like subbing mnk even if i'm not main tank, boost is a good dmg booster. If you're too lazy to push 1 macro every 15 sec, just make a triple boost macro like /ja "Boost", /wait 15, "Boost", /wait 15, /ja "Boost".

                          Lvl 33 right now, but boost might become less reliable later on, so i'll just use my thf sub if i'm not main tank.
                          war 55 - drk 49 - whm 45 - blm 33 -nin 31 - rng 30 - Mnk 25 - sam 21 - thf 19


                          • #14
                            Are there any other kinds of passives that don't stack? Like War/Pal, for example? Good info for the guide being developed =)


                            • #15

                              notice i said pre-30. thf doesn't get sneak until 15 and thus war can't use it until 30. i see nothing that thf has to offer a WAR pre-30.

                              Also, even if you are not main tank, i don't think monks abilities are wasted. as shann said, boost is very good and the hp boost is gonna be very nice when you have to provoke off mages or backup the main tank (which IS gonna happen).

                              Thanks Yyg!

