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How to keep GA skill capped

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  • How to keep GA skill capped

    I just attained lvl 14, and my GA skill is only 38. I tried for over an hour by killing too weaks, but I didnt get any skill points during the whole time. I read that was how to do it somewhere, but it didnt work for me. I havent partied much, and I would guess that it is easier to keep it capped doing this.

    What do I need to do?

    Thanks for the help.


  • #2
    You have to fight things with high defense, not weak monsters... how do you expect to gain anything off those, unless your axe is 0.
    Go to Ghelsba, and fight Orcs with a high Defense rating, that should get you up a bit more, a few points from its max should be good then you can get into a PT and raise it the rest there.
    Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
    Ninja - 75
    Paladin - 44
    Warrior - 39
    Thief - 37
    Samurai - 32
    Ranger - 25
    Monk - 24
    Beast Master - 20
    Black Mage - 20
    Whm - 14


    • #3
      Use your brain and hit tougher monsters.
      Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


      • #4
        question: why haven't you partied much? you're lvl 14, you should be in the dunes by now...

        anyways, you'll get skill-up when you take on "high defense" critters. Doesn't matter if they are too weak or easy (or IT for that matter, but that would be suicide). You might still get skill-up from "plain" (neither low defense or high defense) critters, but that will only occasionally happen.

        and heretic, it's not the toughness of the monster that affects it, it's the defense rating.

        Thanks Yyg!

