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Save and profitable place to WAR to farm

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  • Save and profitable place to WAR to farm

    Yeah what the title says. I hit 24 and i am ready for a new set of equips. But i am down to 5k . So where should i go and what should i do to get some cashflow in. I plan to start gardening as soon as i understand a bit more but where would a good (safe) place for a WAR my level go to farm? My LS said palborough would be good but im not sure...

  • #2
    At Lv 24 I went logging to make the G I needed for chainmail and neckchopper, took 2 days or so, don't think that's to bad.
    Now at Lv 31 WAR I'd sub THF for TH and go farm Silks in Palbarough or Lizard Skins in Yughott Grotto, and I can easily make 100-150k in a days effort from this.
    "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
    - Old saying


    • #3
      Alright, I guess i will spend this weekend leveling up THF then :p


      • #4
        only problem is stacks of silk droped below 8k

        Are the lizzard skins that easy to get?


        • #5
          do you know the percent or something of how much more ur likely to get a drop with /thf sub. :spin:


          • #6
            Chainmail is not nessarey but it does look nice at lvl 27 there is a armor with the same stats and alot cheaper than chainmail
            Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

            Merits - 98
            Goldsmith - 85.2


            • #7
              Yeah, but having it 3 lvls before is very nice, and it well last you to 30.
              Nobutada, San d'Oria Rank 9
              Ninja - 75
              Paladin - 44
              Warrior - 39
              Thief - 37
              Samurai - 32
              Ranger - 25
              Monk - 24
              Beast Master - 20
              Black Mage - 20
              Whm - 14


              • #8
                Are the lizzard skins that easy to get?
                Been my experience that in the Yughott Grotto they are rather easy to get, lizards are easy to kill here at Lv 30, and they respawn rather fast, and they are all grouped together nicely, so dont have to run that much, and I even farmed here before I got THF to 15 for TH and would still walk out with 2-3 stacks of Lizards skins after 1-2 hours of work (one stack is 7,500 on my server) I dunno how viable this place is at Lv 24 though, as there are many, many orcs and bats here that will aggro you on sight, and some of them can become rather rough to deal with at Lv 24.
                Silks are are 10,000G here though, so those are also a viable option here but require a bit of running compared to the lizard skins. Once you can solo the Tigers in Jugner and/or Batallia downs (haven't really tried this yet, Jugner can still get me killed at Lv 31, and I'd imagine Batallia downs is even worse), you could hunt those for Tiger Skins, those are 14,000G on Phoenix for a stack.

                I live in europe aswell, so I'm usually on at odd hours, which allows me to hunt NMs who are usually very crowded with ease, and though NM hunting is kinda of a gambling deal (somedays you get lucky and get the item to drop in the first couple of kills, and others.. well.. nothing at all) they can provide a good income.
                "We grab swords to protect small wounds that had been buried deep in old memories."
                - Old saying


                • #9
                  If your around 22 I think you can take on some elementals good luck tho
                  Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                  Merits - 98
                  Goldsmith - 85.2


                  • #10
                    Hunt Leaping Lizzy, if by some miracle you get the boots, Chi-Ching!
                    Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


                    • #11
                      Ok im in palborough and the drops are OK, should i head to valkrum and hunt the lizzys there??

