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Price of warrior

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  • Price of warrior

    Damage-wise: DRK, SAM, RNG, MNK...and may be THF and DRG(at high level)
    Tank-wise: PLD, NIN

    so what is good about WAR...? am currently playing a WAR, but finding party is so hard, so I had too much free time to think about useless stuffs, then this came to mind...

    My cute baby kitty will look so so so cute...err.. sexy with the WAR AF T-T must get!!

  • #2
    WAR is meant for three things i know of

    -Using breakers
    -Makes a decent tank
    -Decent damage


    • #3
      But damage-wise, we have DRK, SAM and such to do heavy damage.... for tank, even MNK tank better thanks to evasion and counter.... but I really hate people seeing WAR as useless, but I can't argue.. since I couldn't find the 'price' of WAR either.... (playing WAR because I like playing tank, having the power to kill or keep everyone alive in party is fun ^.^, but on performance-wise....)


      • #4
        MNK does not tank better due to their weaker armor. I was gonna say sumhin bout WAR but i jsut forgot..


        • #5
          for mithra, MNK/WAR does tank better til 33(thats when I stopped MNK)... ^^ again tested it.... my friend's WAR/THF mithra couldn't tank as well with her full expensive gears when I was using power gi when I tanked.... and I took less damage than her thanks to my evasion and counter... higher lvl, I don't know, but at pre-32 MNK/WAR sure tank well

          PS the testing team was the same: WAR/THF, MNK/WAR, BLM/WHM.... all at same lvl, on the same toughness' monster... (was testing on Dancing Weapon at around lv25, so every weapon says incredibly tough ^^)


          • #6
            I would have to agree that a monk can tank better than a war if dodger is up. I exped in a static party with 2 mnks from high 20s to low 50s. I noticed that I would always require more healing even if I get hit for slightly less. It's better to not get hit at all then to get hit for slightly less.

            This was extremely apparent when it came to mold hunting for exorays. The mages had to keep my hp at a certain level or else I would be killed from a breath attack. Sure a monk has more hp so he tanked a lot better, but also the higher evasion + counter meant he didn't get hit as much so the mages didn't have to constantly heal him as much.

            Level 52+ i don't know for how well a mnk would tank. Haven't partied with a tanking monk in a long long time.

            I find war to be important for melee parties if bards aren't around. The monsters at 57+ are getting a lot harder to hit so I find shield break extremely important. Level 15-25 shield break was pretty helpful, I seemed to miss a lot back them. Some how level 25-52 monsters seemed to be really easy to hit so didn't really care too much about shield break, did sturmwind instead. War from level 25-52 I was the stage where I found warriors to be extremely damaging. 25-30 I would have to say war is the most damaging melee class, if you keep your 2h axe up to date. Sturmwind pretty much is the best weapon skill dmg wise at that point, drk still haven't left war in dust in the attack department then.

            After 50s, it seems a lot more apparent that warriors serve more of a utility type of role. Shield break to help the other melees, tank if needed, beserk if not doing enough melee dmg. Sort of like a rdm of melees i guess like how most people seem to describe me, rdms refresh the other mages, debuff, heal if not enough healing is going on, nuke some if not enough dmg going on.

            PS. War tank still seems to work, been main tank for all the static parties I've been with since level 10 to current level of 58. But war dmg doesn't seem anywhere close to drks now.


            • #7
              Warrior's are good with WS they got some nice Status effects and warrior's good great dmg. not elite dmg but it's good.
              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

              Merits - 98
              Goldsmith - 85.2


              • #8
                I mostly agree with Enoki1

                I just hit 50 last night and so far i greatly enjoy my Warrior, much more so than Drk.

                STarting at 30 the equipment difference starts to make a scene as long as you keep up to date.
                I'm War/mnk so I've always had Dodge available since 30, and hence my tanking abilities have always been good. And like monks I have counter and dodge, and because i'm Mithra *and the fact warriors have more agility naturally than a monk, although less evasion*, with dodge on my evasion rate was equal if not better than most monks I pt'd with. As I had counter, that fact was also negated *its also nicer to counter with a Gaxe than a punch*. War/thf is more towards the backup dmg dealer end. Even then I find boost and focus to help make up my monk sub when dmg dealing is in order. If I threw on Defender, then the less dmg was more apparent. The defence difference starts to take off at 30, but you still won't see a huge difference till higher levels.

                *edit* also to let you know now, as you get higher level, IT's become harder and harder to evade, even with dodge. Thats why you don't see Thf's tanking, and Ninja's constantly spamming utsemechi *both of which get higher agility and evasion caps than mnk*.

                Right now I have 245 Def on my War *Using Gaxe*, 25 Less than an Elvaan Pld and 60 more than a Galka Monk. *both 50 as well*

                I was helping some friend do Exorays and one was the Galka monk I spoke of *level 50*. He would get hit for about 65-80 dmg where as I would get it for 40-50, less if I used a shield or defender. I didn't have his hp, but my 980hp is nothing to laugh at.

                Thing with monks is they are dmg dealers and therefore will have their equipment geared towards that *Ie beetle earrings and attk equipment*, this means that their defence falls behind so that they can keep up their Damage. Monks damage is more heavily dependent on str than any other class in the game, so they gear almost everything towards it.

                As for Dmg with Wars, I will tell you now that its not as bad as some may make you think. Even playing my drk to 55, I've noticed almost no dmg difference, infact overall right now I'd go as far to say I deal more overall because of Aggresor and Focus.

                While doing Rumble Crawlers alongside a Samurai, I dealt 30-40% more damage than he did. Where as he missed about 30% of his hits, It was rare for me to miss twice in a battle *we had a brd*
                Both using Mithkabobs, he hit the crawlers for about 65-85 dmg, Where I would hit for 80-100 without bezerk/boost, and usually about 115-125 with bezerk, 135 with boost added, and 115 with just boost *which i did every second swing*. This added to the fact that I hit very often added up nicely. *this was with Mothaxe btw, not the level 49 gaxe which i now have*

                The Samurai was a Sam/Thf, and I admit that his sneak+Enpi was very nice *about 400 dmg*, but because of me hitting more often and double attk, my tp was able to keep up *except when Mediate was used*, and Sturmwind dealing 300dmg *400 if i got a double attk in* was still enough to make a nice SC.

                I admit that if my drk used Soul eater or something then yes, he could outdamage my war. However Drk's have to continuesily hold back to avoid getting aggro, and Souleater is an example of this. Infact in one group around 46 the whm asked the Drk to stop using it as it was such a huge drain on mp * he didn't use it well and the pld kept losing aggro*, because of that he lost his big tool for dmg dealing.

                Basically where I'm trying to get at for this is that yes there are high dmg dealing classes, but don't think that they will be dealing 5x the dmg you do. Your dmg is not insignifcant. Granted its not top like a rngr or monk, but its nothing anyone will laugh at if you go all out. And you can tank a lot better than they can, trust me. This and the fact that other melee's will be kissing you for using your gaxe breaks.

                As for it being difficult to get groups, its because of your level. A great deal of people build up War to 30 then switch to Drg/Drk/Sam or something like that and sub War. Because of this there are an abundance of Warriors at your level. You should notice a slight increase in invites after 30, and more so after 40. I can't count how many pt invites i get after leaving a group and going to jueno because they need a tank. Both E and J. I actually have to on some nights go anon when farming or such. Tanks post 40 are more rare than whm's. As my partner is a bard, we basically have to fight off PT invites with a stick at some points *which my drk would have KILLED for*.

                Last but not least as Enko1 put it are your break WS's. As I always play with my brd friend, its usually not necessary yet, but at times *especially in the future while fighting Anticans*, they can be beyond useful. Also because there are so many drk's running around, you'll be loved for chaining your level 200GAXE ws with their Guillotine.

                All of this is based on my experience while comparing my Warrior to my Drk. Personally I have lots more fun with my warrior then I did with my drk *aside from the getting more pt invites*
                Point is as Enko1 said, you are far more flexible than monks/drk's etc..., which to some is much more appealing.

                The fact that Warrior by itself is a solid class also allows you to take up many different sub jobs *as opposed to stapled Pld/War, nin/War , Monk/War/thf etc..*.

                I plan to try out War/nin and War/Sam for fun in the future. Aside from War/mnk and War/thf that is.

                However if you feel that your in all ways Inferior to a monk, then play one. One should always play what they enjoy.


                • #9
                  I love the WAR job cause it's so versatile. WAR might seem plain and boring but that's actually far from the truth. WAR is such a solid job that you can pretty much adapt to any situation through the right food, equipment and subjob. If you want to go on the offensive eat meat kabobs plus equip all the acc/atk gear you can and if you want to go on the defensive eat fish kabob plus all the def gear you can. Berserk and Defender also help out a lot in this department. I'm almost always on the defensive since i've been main tank for my set PT since lvl 30. I can't tank as well as a PLD but I help kill things faster plus there's no lack of MP to heal me with both BRD and RDM in PT. I'm also really interested in trying NIN sub at 74 to increase my tanking abilities. I've heard amazing things about it.

                  It's also fun being able to use so many weapons well even though axes will always be the best at high lvls. At lower lvls it's pretty useful to have sword and polearm up to date to always be ready for any renkei situation.

                  I honestly couldn't see myself having more fun with any other job. Other jobs may be flashier, but I find WAR's balance much more interesting and open to experimentation. That keeps the game fresh for me.
                  Lunarians LS on Bismarck


                  • #10
                    Monk or MNK/WAR cannot tank as well as a Warrior or a Paladin. Period.


                    Too many reasons to mention. (Or maybe im just lazy)
                    Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust

