I've just finished ptying in valkurm and as I was using my G Axe, I just kept missing and missing. My skill was near cap at lvl 14 and we were fighting snippers. The other 2 WAR were able to connect just fine with scythe and spear (both ELV too) so what makes me so special? Are Great Axes really that horrible/miss more than other weapons?
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do G Axes just miss more?
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Unfortunately G-axe misses a lot to IT mobs with High Defence/Evade if you don't have the help from songs/sub/gear/foods/Breaks to make contact. I'm surprised at your lvl you're using a G-axe. Most WARs play as tanks till lvl 30+.
There's a few solutions for your lvl. Have a BRD to cast ATT songs, use your Shield Break WS, sub THF or DRK, your WHM/RDM cast Dia, eat ATT/STR foods, wear ACC/DEX gears, and use Berserk if you're not the tank.
Don't fret, you'll love your G-axe. But it's a good idea as a WAR to lvl up Spear for better contacts when you can't make contact with your G-axe no matter what you are doing.WAR 75/THF 37/NIN 38/RNG 49
Sandoria Rank 10
ZM 12
Smithing: 63
Cloth: 60
Alchemy: 60
Cooking: 60
Woodworking: 60
Maat beaten in 3mins 51sec. The fight itself didn't last more than 12secs. Double Attack, Raging Rush, Raging Rush, Fragmentation, Double Attack= Dead Maat @.@
NA PS2 beta tester. LVL55, Rank5 at end of beta.
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Yeah sometimes leveling up great axe can be a pain even when you fight snippers in valkurm dunes it makes you look so weak. But wait till you get double attackand also wait when you fight Wights or Giants in Qufim you'll start seeing you damage there or even when you get Sturmwind :D I remeber the clan I was in before he told g axes where awsome I used it before and didn't like it but now I am addicted to axes. :sweat: Also try to get DEX up it's more imporant thing to bring cause sometimes you tend to miss you WS :sweat:
Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
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I was 2 pts away from skill cap... anyway, i'll try some dex+ stuff tonight and see how that goes.
Originally posted by Taurius
I'm surprised at your lvl you're using a G-axe. Most WARs play as tanks till lvl 30+.
Thanks Yyg!
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/slaps Neighbortaru for saying "ding" >,,<
True a Great Axe IS the best weapon for a WAR, but using any 2handed weapon takes skill and experience to use them at their best ability. As I stated, it's not the weapon that makes you a good player, but what you use to make that weapon work well, that makes you a good player. Given the common noobishness of low lvl PTs, applying all that I stated to help you use your G-axe, isn't something to be expected. There for using 1handed weapons is easier, and somewhat more efficient. A whole PT of 2 handed weapon melees missing 50% of the time, doesn't do much for anyone. Until a WAR has Berserk and Double Hits, it's hard to use G-axe effectively. But of course all this can be avoided with the right group of players and gear. I would never tell a WAR to NOT use a G-axe, but if the situation doesn't seem to help your use of a G-axe, then don't. Change to a spear, or 1hs, 1ha, or even grapples, to suit the situation. That's the one thing a WAR has to help them be one of the best job in the whole game. Every mob has a weakness to certain weapons, well a WAR can use all weapon types ^^
Just realize that using a G-axe at your lvl, you really need to be good at what you're doing. Do Shield Breaks often, so everyone can land hits. Have the best armor, so you don't waste the healers MP because you aggroed a mob from the main tank. Eat something simple like a Grilled Hare to raise your STR and ATT. Use a sub like Thief or DRK to help you land hits. If you don't have a sub yet, then I really recommend that you use a spear or a 1 handed axe/sword. Cast Berserk everytime you aren't a tank. If you ARE the tank....plz plz use a 1 handed weapon and shield.
The only 2 saving graces about using G-axe even at low lvl, is Shield Break and fast TP gain. So Shield break like a mad fool until you get Sturmwind at 70 skill.WAR 75/THF 37/NIN 38/RNG 49
Sandoria Rank 10
ZM 12
Smithing: 63
Cloth: 60
Alchemy: 60
Cooking: 60
Woodworking: 60
Maat beaten in 3mins 51sec. The fight itself didn't last more than 12secs. Double Attack, Raging Rush, Raging Rush, Fragmentation, Double Attack= Dead Maat @.@
NA PS2 beta tester. LVL55, Rank5 at end of beta.
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:sweat: ah I see.
i haven't gotten subjob yet so I was gonna go with some dex+ acc+ stuff to try and make up for it. Luckily, i do have latest armor so that helps when I'm hit, but I rarely get aggro off main tank (even with provoke) cause i miss so often :sweat:
thanks for the advice tarius and everyone else. it looks like it's time for me to raise my 1h axe.
Thanks Yyg!
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Wait until you're around level 20 or greater. Get yourself a Moth Axe when you hit level 16. It has a +DEX attribute that will increase your hit rate. When you cap your skill at 70+ and have Sturmwind, trust me, all your ill feelings about Great Axes will fly out the window.Kurgan @ Ramuh
NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27
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/slaps Taurius for saying keke
:p wassup Magnamus
If you're missing alot and you have some extra money kicking around try picking up a 12 pack of mith kabobs. I don't know about other servers but on Caitsith the price is going WAY down and they really help alot. Plus when you do connect you'll notice a sunstantial increase in your damage.
36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65
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I've been using the g axe since lvl 5 (butterfly axe) so of now at lvl 10 I have max skill cap on g axe. I love every second of it and I dont see myself using any other weapon except maybe getting a g sword to carry around town for look
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In your case, the problem isn't your weapon. Fighting valkrum snippers at 14, you're simply going to miss a lot no matter what you do, because they are quite a bit higher than you (haven't been through valk in a while, but I'm pretty sure they were all IT to you). Were the other war's a level or 2 higher by chance? Because I can guarantee that would account for the difference. Also, if they had subjobs they might have a slightly easier time hitting.
Great axe does not miss any more than any other weapon, it's all pretty balanced. Adding a few points in DEX, while still a good idea because of other benefits, will not increase your accuracy by a substantial amount. Keeping your weapon level capped will make a significant difference however. I don't think there are many +acc equips at that level, but if you can find some, they will also help
There is no reason to not use great axe if it's the weapon you want to use, however it is a good idea to level 1h axe anyway. If you're forced to tank in a party using 1h axe and shield might be more effective than great axe. One of warrior's strengths is having high proficency in many weapons. Taking advantge of this will make you more versitile and thus more useful in groups.
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I'm a LVL 22 WAR/11 WHM (expiremental subjob) and have used a Great Axe since about lvl 15. I've got the Moth Axe at level 63 now and can't wait until 70. I hear Sturmwind rocks (can anyone elaborate?).
About your DEX, I think the other guys are right, like any other weapon your chances of missing are greater when you fight higher level mobs. That is just a given. I haven't really messed with the Meat Kabob food item yet though. How much do those run and are they that beneficial?
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LOL,sturmwind is crazy.Wait till you get to lvl 30,WAR cry+beserk+mithkababs+ STR equip on u before u do that WS,ur gonna prett much cause so much damage that pld's don't stand a chance tanking. My opinion is that pld cant tank if u have a good damage dealing WAR in the group and if he using a Gaxe the right way.
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