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1h axe/shield or 2h axe...

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  • 1h axe/shield or 2h axe...

    Hey im gonna have a mithra warrio and i was just wondering which order. Any help is appreciated!
    ~The SKys Will Fall~
    ~The MoON WilL RiSE~
    ~To ThE MaN KnoWN OnLY As~

    30 Redmage
    13 Dark Knight
    12 Warrior
    11 Blackmage
    6 Theif
    4 Whitemage

  • #2
    You'll have enough time to cap two weapons no problem.
    You may even consider a third.
    If you can absolutely only do one, i'd recommend great axe.
    Can't be a high level WAR without it.
    Well, you can be, but Full Break is veeeery nice for finding parties.


    • #3

      I suppose mentioning I'm working on 5 weapons would be a bad thing?

      Currently working on:

      Great Axe
      Great Sword

      Only thing that keeps me from getting any more is that there's a limit to inventory space. 5 weapons -and- a shield eats up inventory like crazy. I can't wait to get some gobbie bags. -_-
      "God must love stupid people. He made so many!"


      • #4
        I'd say it depends on what you want to do in the future:

        Use a Great Axe if you're going to be a high leveled Warrior or thinking of becoming a Dark Knight, Dragoon Knight, or Samurai. Those three advanced jobs use 2 handed weapons mainly, so using a Great Axe will help you get a feel of what you can expect as one of those advanced jobs. Also, as ZenXIII pointed out, Full Break is a good skill.

        Use the Axe+Shield combo if you are going to be a Paladin as your main job in the future. Paladins have a good rating in Great Swords, but they mainly stick with a Sword (or some use Clubs) and Shield for the added defense. Raising up your skill in shields is really slow, even if you are the main tank. It's best to get a head start in this.

        If you're going to be a Ninja, then you are free to choose whichever weapon you feel like as well.
        Carbuncle Server:
        Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
        Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)

