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pro/con of war

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  • pro/con of war

    I get this game very soon and was wondering if you could give me some pros and cons of being a warrior as this is the main job i was going to choose

  • #2

    Well warriors are similar to humes, in that they arn't really the best at anything: A Paladin will be able to tank better and have more defense, and a Dark Knight will be able to deal more dammage. One thing warriors are very useful for though is that they can hold hate pretty well. Using Provoke and Warcry, they can usually hold the hate for quite a while, but if you have a paladin in your group, theres no need to. All depends on your style of playing i guess...


    • #3
      -_break wepon skills(you should be using a greataxe)
      -relitively high attack
      -relitively high defense
      -aggro is usually easier to hold if you dont have a theif
      -wide variety of weapons to use
      -wide variety od armors to use
      -very easy to learn
      -WAR/SAM is an excellent combo past 60
      -sweet lookin AF armor
      -no job quest you have to do

      -less def than PLD
      -less attack than DRK/DRG/RNG
      -hard to find parties in the 25-30 range
      -armor costs up the ass(assuming you buying the best armor possible)
      -not many viable subs. mnk and sam are the only ones you should do
      -you need to sacrifice youself if it can save the whole party


      • #4
        Another good thing is it makes a good sub to most melee's and tanks.
        "...because of my horse, I was able to get through my first year of college."


        • #5
          I don't agree that there are not many viable subs for warrior. This is one of the points that drew me to the warrior. The warrior as a class is so solid that you can sub most any melee class and still be effective. If you do a search on warriors 40+ the 3 most common subs you will see are THF, SAM, and NIN (at least on my server).

          The thing that I think seperates and average warrior from a great warrior is your ability to adapt to what the party needs the best. If you are not main tank Thief or sam post 60 are great for keeping the damage going while still being able to off tank when needed. MNK is very good if you are main tanking as the extra hp counter attack and dodge ability all help you stay alive longer.

          Nin sub seems good on paper and seeing alot of high level war/nin it doesn't seem like it can be that bad. Blink alone would appear to make this a viable sub if you can afford it not to mention the availability of blink2 at 74/37 with the heightened level cap. Add in the dual wield ability which while it isn't a huge boon to your damage does allow you to equip two stat boosting weapons and there are some very nice 1h axes out there to do this with. I am in the process of levleing my nin sub at the moment have the blink quest done just need to get level 12 so I can see how well it works as a sub. Anyways just my thoughts feel free to comment =)
          Immovable stone in your world of weak.


          • #6
            You can read all the statistics and opinions of everyone here. But in the end, the only way you'll know you will like it is by trying it out yourself. If you don't like war, you can always change your job. I mean I tried the great axe, the weapon wars should use and I didn't like it, so now I use a spear and a regular axe. Gaxes are too big and unwieldy to me. All in all, just have fun with the game.

            Odin, do you happen to live in Windurst? Maybe I'll see you if you are.
            Peace is a dream flying on gossamer wings. You can surely attain peace. But, the only way is through the grave.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DannyForgette
              -less def than PLD
              -less attack than DRK/DRG/RNG
              -hard to find parties in the 25-30 range
              -armor costs up the ass(assuming you buying the best armor possible)
              -not many viable subs. mnk and sam are the only ones you should do
              -you need to sacrifice youself if it can save the whole party
              I need to disgree with some points you said there 25-30 is not hard finding a party. I leveled up fairly fast in Kazham area.It's fairly hard to level up in the 50 range since many people look for penta you can level up spear for it like my friend did got more pt's. As for subs it's like any other job you only 2-3 jobs work with any main job. Finally the Sacrfice part any Tank needs to sacrifice themselves if they can't handle dying first most of the time you shouldn't tank and be a damage dealer or something. I've tank so many times and I've died many times. Warriors can hold hate pretty with mnk/sam/nin

              mnk - counter
              sam - fast tp, dishing them out.
              nin - constely hitting the enemy with your two weapons, also the blink helps out
              Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

              Merits - 98
              Goldsmith - 85.2


              • #8
                The biggest PRO to starting as a warrior is that warrior can later serve as a wonderful subjob for just about any other melee job. You get to 30 warrior and liked tanking so much you wanted to be a paladin?--great you already have 30 levels worth of warrior you can use for a subjob.


                • #9
                  hey thanx, i have this game now and am lvling as a hume war
                  I have decided to sub with dragoon later then eventualy maybe unlock sam and level that up as a drg sub

