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Weapon to use?

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  • Weapon to use?

    Currently lvl 50war/25ninja weilding 2 axes, wondering what weapon to use at this point since it is difficult to control aggro since the only tool you have is provoke, so the question would kinda be how do you guys tank other then pvke.

  • #2
    My Noob Advice:

    Eat a Meat Kabob and use Ninjistu Spells between swings for more hate.

    Nothing wrong with your weapon choice - you're doing the most possible damage 1H weapons can deal - I think.


    • #3
      Latly i notice pld's using flash to control aggro, dont know if it can occur with nitjitsu for the blind spell, just not having enuf $$ to get em, heh. As far as wpn wat to use?


      • #4
        I would switch to 2H axe, if you acn get your ACC up and not miss that monster will hate you cause you do so much damage to him, and nin wouldnt be a bad sub to still have so you can blink, and i would also constant provke, its all you can really do.


        • #5
          If I'm the main tank I use my great axe. Hitting with that seems to cause a lot more hate then hitting twice with lower damaging axes. Personally I think warriors should pull if they tank too, seems to get you some nice initial hate.

          Typically a fight goes like this for me (using great axe):

          1) use utsusemi
          2) use ninjutsu of choice of renkei element on mob for pulling
          3) provoke
          3-b) If I have it, Berserk
          4) blink tank, and hit once or twice
          5) use utsusemi
          6) use ninjutsu again to lower resistance
          7) blink tank meanwhile and hit once or twice
          8) Provoke
          8-b) After provoke, use Warcry if I have it and if we have TP
          9) And by now I should be nearing 100% TP (if we had been chaining) , right now I'm loving having a DRG in party. Raiden Thrust -> Sturmwind had been doing like 400 damage easily. After I hit for like a 200 damage Sturmwind the mob should hate me forever.
          10) Provoke when I can. Use Utsusemi If I feel like it
          10-b) Manually drop Berserk so I take less damage - Less mana need to be used by whms, less hate on them. If we are going to skill chain I try to keep berserk up til we use TP, otherwise I'll drop Berserk when my last utsusemi image is gone.
          11) Mob dies :D

          Warcry, Berserk, and using food during a fight seems to add nice hate as well. Sometimes I'll wait til I'm fighting to use another mithkabob
          - Void -
          Currently seeking members on Garuda. Admin spots available.

          Requirements: You need at least one job 40 or above, and at the very least rank 3.


          • #6
            Eaxctly which nitjitsu u use/

