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My plan

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  • My plan

    Im a taru whm now... only lvl 6...

    I plan on getting him to 18, get the subjob ability, start a warrior, sub the whm to 30 and then start a taru nin/war.

    any comments/suggestions to modify this, to make it better?

  • #2
    ugh ya....dont sub a mage with a raw melee job like war/whm mnk/blm mnk/whm...and dont sub raw melee with just isnt worth mp at low levels -_- i reccomend you go all way as whm...(whm/blm whm/rdm blm/whm rdm/whm) or go war/mnk ....mnk is alot better sub for warrior then will get more partys as war/mnk then war/whm.....but if u stay whm you will level alot faster as whm/??? ............IMO ^_^
    Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


    • #3
      My main goal IS to be a ninja. so im not going to go all the way as a whm.


      • #4
        If your going Ninja id suggest doing somehing with Theif. As it was said above, Mage/melee\Melee/mage isnt the best idea as you dont get much with the sub. You can do what you want but if your end result is going to be Nin/War id steer clr of the mage categories.
        "...because of my horse, I was able to get through my first year of college."


        • #5
          i know what your main goal is....and i dont mean "all the way"(75) i mean "all the way" (advanced jobs)....i wasn't trying to say....ya ur whole plan is stupid do what i say or be flamed..i was just sayin....u will get to ninja faster as a whm/?? then a war/whm....
          Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


          • #6
            so i should quit my mage career and start a warrior or a thief right now?

            whm is kind fo sucky...


            • #7
              If you want to do a mage go ahead but my suggestion to you is to not mix the Mage/melee classes otherwise you will more than likely be overlooked in game. If you want to do a mage then sub another mage with it. If you want to do a melee, sub a melee. Avoid mixing the two because they arent that great mixed together.
              "...because of my horse, I was able to get through my first year of college."


              • #8
       would save a bit of time ( i assume u want NIN asap)...just get war to 20..then start leveling up subjob (so you can have chocobo to ride to jueno and your main town and such)..and sub monk or theif..with your warrior...and yes dont mix the 2 (mage and melee)

                unless your main is a mix of melee and magic (drk pld rdm)...then do a /mage when needed.....
                Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                • #9
                  War/Whm is 'decent' if you're looking to solo, but it won't get you parties...
                  "God must love stupid people. He made so many!"

