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Purpose of higher level wars

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  • Purpose of higher level wars

    Wondering if I should go war again. Got war to lvl 50 in beta but I didn't really know what the hell I was doing. It was basically tanking if I had to and sneak+berserk+strumwind.

    Im lvl 30 in midgard right now and have 4 weapons maxed in skill and just wanna know what higher lvl parties will be looking for me to do/be.

    Im guessing renkei and the breaks but dont know.

    Any help appreciated!!

  • #2
    Well im not a high level warrior yet, but ive talked to alot of 50+ warriors on my server (Ramuh) But every one i talked to said that warriors get into groups at high level due to there break abilities that they get with great axe (so i myself switched to great axe after hearing this) Shield Break (not as useful as before, but still useful), Armor Break, Weapon Break, and Full Break benefit everyone in the group.

    But im not high level yet so i havnt yet experienced this, but i used to be axe/shield and after talking to a buncha higher lvl warriors, ive switched to greataxe and im slowly leveling it up now =)
    Nydes, 31Uniform, An Army of One


    • #3
      At higher lvl's War's are used a tanks if some PLD's aren't around they make good attackers also. I lvl 2 weapon types 1h sword and great axe I just got red lotus which is cool . But I need to lvl up other weapons like 1h axe ;; now I'm close to getting strumwind. Warrior's are awsome. I am thinking of staying WAR cause Great Axes are so good :D
      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

      Merits - 98
      Goldsmith - 85.2


      • #4
        At higher levels warriors are needed for several reasons:

        - Breaks (Mainly Shield break, or armor break if fighting Anticans)
        - Tanking (Still not as great as a paladin but warriors are the second best tanks anyhow )
        - Damage dealing (Berserk, Aggressor, War Cry are nice abilities)

        These days i spend most of the time tanking they wont get a paladin. War's importance really shows around lv60+ when you head to Boyahda, nearly anything you fight will need shield break. The only other class that has something like shield break is Bard (dunno what the name of the song is but it has the same effect as shield break but doesnt last as long)


        • #5
          Well hopefully this will clear things up and maybe inable some of the other Warriors out there to find parties 50+ because at the moment it is very hard. It seems that alot of people think that Warriors are underated tanks who do ok damage and basically that is it. Bad part is they are greatly mistaken. One way to look at a Warrior is the Rdm of melee, like a Rdm spells like Refresh and convert help mages stay alive and keep mana up Warriors do basically the same thing for melee. Take for instance it seems more and more people want to just do damage no matter how stupid there job combination may be well thats all in great fun but at higher levels mobs get very tough to hit and have lots of Hp. This is where a Warrior comes into play. With say Sheild break it can take Pentathrust and Raging Fists from say 100+ damage to over 300+ sometimes more that added with warcry boosting even more. Warriors are the best all around class in my own opinion... We can tank (not as well as a pally but enough to get by), we can deal damage again not Ranger style but still quite a bit. So all in all I love this class played it in beta and stayed with it in retail. I just hope people understand this soon enough as I am 55 @ 14000 to 56 and parties are getting harder and harder to come by. Well I hope this answered the question and helped to clarify some issues that seem to misleading. And everyone please feel free to add to my post but please do not flame me. Im just trying to help


          • #6
            Facing the same problem as a 45 WAR / 30 SAM on Midgard. Rarity of party invites seems to be part of being a warrior. I always end up creating 75% of my {Experience Points} {Party}.

            PLD friends tell me stories about "2 PT invities within a minute of logging on" and I just go ><. PLDs are also featured in the ideal BCNM40 party. Everyone's ideal exp party at 40+ seems to be PLD,DRG,THF,BLM,RDM,WHM. Seriously considering leveling a PLD job at the moment LOL.

            Dont get me wrong, I love my WAR job. Chose WAR main since I didnt want to be a boring damage soaker dealing irrelevant damage PLD, or be a damage dealer (DRG, DRK, THF, RNG [too expensive] etc) like everyone else. Versatility = Fun to me.

            Thanks for the input Renze and Xero_0. Do hope things get better at 60/30 when hunting in Boyahda (even with the supposed Shield Break nerf) and when Meditate comes into play.

