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  • #16

    OK maybe i left out som really important details.
    I want this combo for HNM.
    The strategy would be like this:
    The party should include a redmage and a Bard, for the obviuos reasons.
    I would use a polearm weapon in the begining of the fight, once i gather 100%Tp we would begin the renkei, so i would activate berserk+agressor+last resort+souleater+mighty strike to use with pentatrhust. Right after doing penta I ould turn of souleater so i don't die inmediatly.
    Well for starters, pentatrust is the only 5 hit WS WAR have acces to. Second, since we have a B- rating on polearms plus agressor+song1(a don't know the name of the songs but it's the one that makes melee accuaracy better) and the monster would have casted on him gravity(i think thats the spell) and slow on him, we should not be missing much. And with the WAR AF with have a better chance to do a 6 hit Penta (cause of the bonus on the AF).

    So it pans out like this:
    Monster has on him:slow+gravity+2 songs making him worse(if there is a NIN in the party he can use -evasion ninjitsu on him)
    WAR has mighty strike,berserk,agressor,last resort,souleater, 2 songs on him (one for better acc and one for better dmg), and a posibility of doing an extra hit while doing penta.

    Now don't tell me that doesn't dish out a lot of dmg. Sure, maybe it's suicidal. But you can always carry a WHM with you after all.

    If you survive after using this, you could equip a 2H axe till the end of the battle. Or maybe you can start the battle with the great axe, and if after your last WS the monster has low hp you can pull this of to finish it.

    Would it work?


    • #17
      You have to remember in battle alot of things can go wrong or things you don't plan on happening happen. What you posted above requires the situation to be just right and usually that is not the case :sweat: Spells get resisted/interuptted someone gets sleeped, Area attacks... etc.
      Also gravity only slows the monster running speed not his evasion. (I may be mistaken)
      and Slow only slows monster attacking speed not evasion. (I may be mistaken)

      I don't know if you have ever used berserk or last resort, but these abilities reduce your defense to tissue paper individually. you're talking about stacking them, with soul eater? On a HNM?! With a WS? You = go to died.
      Here's what would happen.

      -100 TP
      -activate berserk
      -activate Last resort ( a mini provoke, you get hate already)
      -Soul eater
      -Mighty strikes :sweat:
      -Penta thrust - lets say does 1k damage. this reduces your hp to about.. lets say 60%.

      -HNM counters with it's special (which mobs always do :sweat: )
      while you are frantically trying to cancel you last resort, berserk (which could've been on for what 2 mins?) AND Soul eater (which could've been on for 60 secs instead of a one shot) The special hits you for like 30% HP because your defense is tissue from these abilities. (IF you get lucky and aren't One shotted right then and there)

      This leaves you with 30% HP and wait you activated Mighty strikes? so you are still getting hate.
      -PLD Spamming provoke and Cure IV trying to get hate back
      -WHM spamming Cure IV trying to keep you alive
      Now what? cancel mighty strikes? after only 10 secs? you wasted a two hour for like 2 hits. (Mighty strikes doesnt stack with WS from my experience) again i could be mistaken.

      Dunno if you have ever fought a HNM but they have HP out the ass. all of this effort and you barely dent it's HP and whm and PLD have wasted MP.
      You are forgetting they have to keep other PT members alive too. What if HNM uses Area Attack? WHM could be paralyzed or sleeped ._.

      I don't know why you are obsessing with doing an insane amount of damage at once, maybe if you change your name to Kamikaze lol. And do you really want to go down in a "Blaze of glory" when the penalty for dying can be like 10k exp?

      Originally posted by SevIfrit
      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


      • #18
        Now thats an answer!

        Finally, someone who doesn't just say:mmm...i like DRK/WAR better.JAJAJAJAJJA all do i got to admit it's stupid what im proposing, i just wanted to see if there could be a way to make some insane combo that even if it got you killed it would make you look like you can do some mayor damage...guess that's why they added renkei, oh well.

        I got this idea after watching a DRK/NIN video where the dud uses his 2 hour+haste+souleater+last resort on an adamantoise. He had a 1h sword and a kraken club(sometimes hits 2-8 times) and basically killed him himself.

        Better get back to the normal way of playing.


        • #19
          Mighty Strikes does work on weapon skills. You can test this as low as level 3 with warrior (assuming you have 1H sword, HTH, 1H axe, Spear, 2H club, or Scythe up to 10 skill - I believe those are all of the 10 skill physical damage weaponskills). It's essentially the same thing as what thf does stacking sneak/trick with weapon skills, sneak attack being a guaranteed critical hit job ability (with a mod for dex), and trick attack (for main thf) adding damage with a mod for agi.


          • #20
            I'd say go for it if you really want to try it out.

            The thing you have to remember is that you need to know your limits with class and know when and where to do what you want to do. Beyond 35, WAR becomes the RDM of the main melee classes (NIN being the RDM of the support melees) IMO. Warcry and the break abilities of the Gaxe help immensely to a party. This is mainly because at this point DRG and DRK start outdamaging WARs by a fair bit (debatable whether or not SAM does better than WAR alone in terms of damage at mid levels).
            It's definitely a combo I'd recommend you try exploring to it's fullest.

            One thing to remember is that the advice you see here is from their experience and their experience reflects their style of play. While it's pretty good advice most of the time, It's still advice from their style not your own. I'd say take heed of what they know and incorporate it into your own way of playing. What works for them might not work for you and vice versa. There's never one way of doing anything and FFXI is no exception.

