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  • War/drk?

    Has anyone tried this? Does it work good?
    A mean you get the Attack up benefits+last resort+souleater...
    It would be like having DRK/WAR but with better defense.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    Also, i didnt notice this, but this would let us use a lot more usefull WS. Now we could use Guillotine and still be able to use Pentathrust, Full Break and all the other WS we can use!
    What do you think?!


    • #3
      Ok, so using this calculator i got this stats:

      Hume WAR/SAM
      70 1314 0 74 66 62 64 53 53 57

      Hme WAR/DRK
      70 1296 76 77 66 62 65 54 50 54

      Hume DRK/WAR
      70 1244 292 77 66 65 62 63 47 48
      Sure, the MP sucks, but even a DRK/WAR doesnt relly on using it's spells.
      We get more strength than subbing SAM and the same than a DRK/WAR, we have the same dex, same vit than /SAM less than DRAK/WAR, more agi, less int, less mnd than /SAM but more than DRAK/WAR and less chr than /SAM but more than DRAK/WAR. So the stats are better than /SAM and basically the same than DRK/WAR, cause we get more str and keep the same dex (im trying this combo to be a support attacker not a tank!).
      At level 70 You got all the WAR abilities that help output more damage Mighty damage (which is better than the DRK 2hr cause it makes you do more damage instead of draining life), berserk, warcry and agressor(wich will help get more hits in). And you got the good job traits: Physical defense up(so you can take a little more hits), double attack and physical attack up.

      From subing DRK you get: last resort and souleater, which let you deal more damage much like berserk and warcry.
      You also get two attack up job traits, i think the first doesnt stack up but anyways it doesnt go the other way around either (DRK/WAR don't stack their first attack up, i coul be wrong but in any case we would only be lossing the one attack up in exchange for 1 Def UP).

      Now the real reason for doing this combo are the WS.

      We get to use:
      all except the lv 200,225 and 250 ones

      Wasp Sting,Gust Slash,Shadow Stitch,Enegy Steal
      The same, but since WAR has b- in dagger and DRK has got a C so we get em faster and we do better with em

      -1 Hand Sword
      All except swift blade.
      Same thing.

      -2 Hand Sword

      -1 Hand Axe
      all except calamity and mistral axe

      -2 Hand Axe
      all except raising crush and full break

      -2 Hand Lance
      All execpt skewer and giant swing
      Well, thanks to the fact that you got a WAR sub you could have the same WS if you obtain them usign War as your main for a while. But War handle better the lances so we would be more proficient using a lance WS like pentathrust. But who has seen a DRK using a lance?

      -2 Hand Scythe
      All except Cross Reaper.

      -1 and 2 hand katanas
      None use none of em.

      -1 Hand Staff
      All exept Hexa strike
      same thing

      -2 hand Staff
      Well, thanks to the fact that you got a WAR sub you could have the same WS if you obtain them usign War as your main for a while. But War handle better the lances so we would be more proficient using a lance WS like Spirit Taker. But who has seen a DRK using a 2Hstaff?

      -Bows and Guns
      We get none. But anyways, both would suck using any of these.

      So what am i trying to say?
      What im trying to say is that we could do equal damage than a DRk/WAR, but with a lot more choices in the weapons we can handle.
      Sure, a DRK/WAR maybe uses better his guillotine thanks to his rating in using scythes. But we would be restricted to only guillotine, we could also use the all so popular pentathrust or use shield or full break, heck, we could do spirit taker better than the mages themselfes cause we got a better weapon rating than them. And we got agressor so our acc with weapons dif from 1 and 2 hand axes doesnt suck that much.

      What im trying to say, is that we could deal the same amount of damge but have a wider variety WS so we could fit in any party formation.

      And the fact the weve got better DEF and more Hp doesnt hurt at all.

      Know what do you think of that?


      • #4
        I forgot, this is where you can check the WS info and the ratings im talking about:

        And as an aditional thought: How much damage would a lv 75 WAR/DRK do using Mighty strike+berserk+warcy+agreesor+last resort+souleater+penthatrust/guillotine?

        I know nobody would do that, bu the idea came to me. I think they would use some abilities with some WS and others with ohers.


        Berserk+Warcry+agreesor for penthtrust

        Migthy strike+last resort+souleater for guillotine

        or something like that, and if its a long figth againts some boss or something like that you could do first a full break, then inmediatly change your weapon to either a lane or a scythe and then take advange of this abilities.


        • #5
          I dont know that much about jobs but the only minor thing i could find is the lack of good scythes for WAR.


          • #6
            Since i haven't recieved any really bad comments about this combo, then is workable, right?

            Im getting the game in 2 weeks, and im really aiming at this, after all if it doesn't work i just go DRK/WAR


            • #7
              1 reason

              u dont get to use Guillotine...guillotine is DRK only


              • #8
                Really?, i thought you just needed to have DRK sub. AT least thats what the page i posted says. Are you sure?


                • #9
                  I'm a level 34 WAR and DARK30

                  WAR34/DRK17 does not work as well as say a DRK34/WAR17 in terms of your role in a party.

                  This is in comparison to a WAR/NIN

                  I was playing with a WAR/NIN wearing the exact armor as I was, but he his defense was better (must be b/c of his nin sub) We were both the exact same lvl in main/sub job. We both ate mithrakabob. He was able to take more hits and miss less often. He kept the aggro on him much more then I ever could. He damage more then I did on IT. The best way i could get hate was to use last resort+berserk. We were partying together in east altepo fighting IT dhalmels and IT beetles. At the end of the party, he was able to do everything better then i could and we're both at the same level.

                  War34/nin beats war/drk definitely from this one experience I had. WAR/DRK is an ok combo. It'll work but not the ideal setup. I plan to level up only both my DRK and WAR at the same time keeping their levels the same time b/c their equip is so similar anyway.


                  • #10
                    Guillotine and Cross Reaper are SPecific to the DRK job. Sorry folks. :sweat:
                    Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.


                    • #11
                      Just go DRK/WAR it's better :sweat:
                      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                      Merits - 98
                      Goldsmith - 85.2


                      • #12
                        okay, i skipped over that whole using a calculator to get the stats at lvl 70 stuff. but the way i see it is this, drk gets three attack bonuses, the last one coming at 50. if you subbed drk, then you would have to be lvl 100 (impossible now i know, but theoretically) in warrior and 50 in dark knight to get that third attack bonus. i dont think most of those stat calculators don't account for these bonuses, of course, i could be wrong. in terms of defense, the dark knight can wear practically everything the warrior can and more. as far as i know, you don't really get many more JOB benefits by taking warrior any past 35 (aggressor ability is lvl 45). no more attack bonuses, no more defense bonuses, so going warrior all the way subbing drk is kinda gimping the dark knight's abilities. just the way i look at it.


                        • #13
                          If you are talking about using this combo for solo purposes anything is acceptable. But lets look at this combo in a PT setup.

                          In a PT you need 6 people playing specific ROLES. you need Tanks, damage dealers, supporters and healers. What role do you wish to play as a WAR/DRK?

                          An attacker? DRK main, SAM main, DRG main does this better. Even WAR/SAM for TP spamming WS.

                          An attacker/defender? WAR/MNK is better. more hp, dodge ability, and counter since you are taking the hits.

                          IMHO dark as a sub is crippling his drain ability (most important spell in his repertoire) and his Magic Bursting. (something skilled darks should be doing consistant) all you are really gaining is the attack bonuses. Using darkness/souleater is nice but i'd rather have a sam sub by level 60 if you want to do damage. souleater + WAR AF adding hate already = mages spamming cures on you without the ability to drain hp back.

                          I would go WAR/SAM post 60 if i wanted to boost WAR attacking or WAR/MNK if i wanted to enhance defence. IMO Dark is not meant to be subbed.

                          About using Weapon skills, when you are levelling up you will be fighting IT mobs most of the time. Using anything less than an A class weapon for your class is going to make it harder for you to hit them. This is not the time to experiment with different weapons, this is the time to be the most efficient as you can be. It takes forever to level up as it is, no one wants to take longer killing mobs as is.

                          Originally posted by SevIfrit
                          we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


                          • #14
                            I partied with a Warrior/Dark Knight once. She hit level 60, Souleater, Penta, dead, level down. I'm told that Souleater, when used as sub, takes 3hp for every 1 point of damage you do but I need to test that for myself.
                            【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                            • #15
                              Guillo is DRK only... WAR can use cross though.

                              WAR/DRK... I use last resort as a hate gainer (sub-levels)... That alone makes it a better tank than WAR/MNK at low levels, IMO... Once again, after 60, samurai samurai samurai.

                              After 60, WAR is unfortunate in that there is one and only one good sub.
                              DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11


