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Continue Leveling Sub or Not

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  • Continue Leveling Sub or Not

    my warrior is almost 24.
    anyone know if there is any benefit,other than a couple hp,for me to continue leveling my sub beyond 10?i was just thinking i'm going to make the mad dash to 30 and go with an advance of the top 3 for me,sam,pld,dkn.

  • #2
    u'd benefit from increased overall stats, str, dex, etc. and it's also true that ppl tend to call for someone whose sub is up-to-lvl rather than those not. this is purely a matter of how u'd look to them, but it's true.

    but if u r thinking of not continuing war after 30, making a dash to that lvl without thinking about ur sub is also ok. (it's YOUR path to take, not mine.) nevertheless, it's always better to train it up-to-lvl.


    • #3
      i think it's helpful to level your sub if for no other reason than it'll make you look better to party leaders. in qufim, when you see 4 of the same level warriors searching for a party, you take the galka, and if there's no galka you take the guy with the most leveled sub. at least that seems to be the case.

      there are a LOT of warriors out there, something that seperates you from the rest (since most people seem to have not leveled their sub past like ... 8), will help you get to 30 more quickly because you'll get called on more often.


      • #4
        if you're going to get an advanced job and trash the sub, i wouldn't bother unless you already have all the gear still from your sub. It'll cost you more time/effort/money to go back and lvl the sub than it will to wait for a party.

        My two cents


        • #5
          If you don't level your subjob, you end up gimped. The thing people don't understand is that 2 Subjob level = 1 Main job level. So when you see someone who has an underlevel'ed sub, this mean he's quite weaker than someone who is fully level'ed. If you have to chose between one or the other, who will you chose to play in your party?

          Another thing is that, when you don't level your subjob, it shows that youre not someone who like to be at his best and you might also be lazy. How will that kind of player interact in my PT ?
          BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

          San d'Oria Rank 10
          Zilart Mission 14
          CoP Chapter 4-2


          • #6
            If you are just going to play a guy to 30 for the reason of getting an advanced job, I really don't see a big deal. For example, the difference between a 29war/14 monk and a 29war/10 monk is 20 hit points, 1str, and 1vit. There maybe a higher chance of countering, but if you are switching at 30, you won't be getting the benefit of evasion up or the HP boost that a monk gets at 15.

            My personal feeling is that the time to invest a monk up to 14, would be better spent farming cash to make sure you have the best gear possible for your level for a tank. Rather than leveling my monk to 14, I have been doing quests and farming cash items. As soon as I hit 24, I had a full set of chain in my inventory. Having a weapon for your level will help you keep aggro. Having the best armor will save mana because you won't be needing as much healing.

            Again, all things being equal the 29/14 would be more attractive than the 29/10 but I am always shocked and amazed at how often I see lizard armor on high 20's warriors. Don't just use the search command to get groups, send tells and ask about gear! It makes a HUGE difference.


            • #7
              If you're going to play your main job to level 30, then you should level up your sub to level 15. You may only be a 24/10 now, but when you get up to level 28 or 29 with a level 14 sub, you'll have no problems getting into parties.

              I am level 20 with my warrior now, but I plan on taking my monk sub up to 15 by the time I get to level 24 warrior.
              Kurgan @ Ramuh
              NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
              TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
              Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
              On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
              Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27


              • #8
                Having your monk sub leveled to 10 isn't SO bad; it's still respectable, at least. Since other players can't inspect your gear at a distance, however, they're going to base their choice of whether or not to invite you on other things, including:

                1) Race
                2) Rank
                3) Level of Sub

                The assumption here is that someone who has a higher rank probably has spent more time playing the game, and is likely to have better gear. Also, if you can't be bothered to take the time to level your sub, the assumption made is that you probably can't be bothered to upgrade your gear either. Gear is EVERYTHING in this game. Ok, it's second to your skill as a player, but it's extremely important. I'll take a level 27 taru warrior in brass/chain over a level 27 galka warrior in a mixture of leather and beetle any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

                Bad warriors I've seen:

                Any warrior using a scythe, spear, or any type of sword as their main weapon past level 25 (I understand that the level 20 great axe is ridiculously expensive) or so. I don't care what advanced job you plan on using, you are currently playing a warrior, and should be using an axe of some sort. You can always go back and skill up your sword/spear/scythe/whatever later while soloing in dangruf wadi, giddeus, palborough, yughotto, korroloka, or even in Qufim (land worms) once you've reached level 30. It's not hard. As you level up through the 20s, your "B" rated weapons fall farther and farther behind your A rated weapons (starting at level 22 the cap is 4 points different, which is 4 attack, and I've paid 50k for +5 atk armor, it's THAT important). Feel free to keep other weapon types available, but your primary weapon type should be axe or great axe.

                More relevant to this discussion, I have actually grouped with a level 26 war / 1 thief. It ain't pretty. He SUCKED compared to a warrior with a properly leveled sub. I've also grouped with a 27 war / 9 mnk, and he was the main tank in that group. For the love of god, is it that hard to get to level 10 to get counter, which is *the whole point* of having a monk sub in the first place, as far as passive abilities go?


                • #9
                  I agree with Gabuk. In your position, I wouldn't bother with getting monk past 10. Seeing as once you get to 30, you'll change war as a sub, there's no reason to level it up to where it has no use for you.

                  IMO, sub-jobs are really only worth its abilities for melee attackers. As Gabuk pointed out, the only different between a 29war/14mnk and a 29war/10mnk is 20 hp and 1 point in str and vit. It's a waste of time to level it. However, if there was some skill that monks got at 13 that would be very helpful to a war, then I would suggest leveling it up to that point.

                  Still, don't take this as an excuse NOT to level up a sub; get up to at least 10, to take advantage of counter.

                  It's been my experience that practically any war will get into a party; I've even seen a Galka war with a level 1 whm sub . If you're a 29war/10mnk, I hardly believe you'll have a hard time partying.

