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Why is BLM a bad subjob for WAR?

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  • Why is BLM a bad subjob for WAR?

    Partying in Qufim yesterday...I'm a 25-WAR/7-BLM...someone said "why is your sub a BLM????" (like it was a bad thing)

    I couldn't answer because I thought it was a good duo.

    Am I wrong? or any thoughts...thanks

  • #2
    Most of the time, it is a bad idea to mix a melee class and a caster class. Warrior is made for aggro control and taking damage. Having blm as a sub won't help your tanking ability. and it might only help your aggro control a small bit (blm spells gain tons of aggro). But, having a level 7 blm as sub won't give you all too much mana, and your spells are going to be weak compared to the monsters you are fighting. Plus, having a melee class as a main job means you normally want to keep your TP, and having blm as sub means you will need to rest often to regain mana, lowering your TP, and parties do not generally like this happening. Hope this helps a little.


    • #3
      So with your blackmage subjob you have what about 30 MP? Maybe less since you're Elvaan? You get Stone, Poison, Blind, Water and Bind by level 7. Stone and Water will be doing less damage than you can hit for with your regular weapon, so they're useless to you. Blind and Bind can be useful if you can get them to stick on your opponent--even then, you should have a mage in your group that can cast those spells instead. Poison is decent, but again not as much damage as you could be hitting for with your regular weapon.

      Monk sub on the other hand gives you more HP and higher melee stats. You also get boost at 5, counter at 10, and Dodge and Max HP up at 15. As a War/Mnk you'd be doing more damage than a War/Blm and taking hits better than a War/Blm.

      Now if you are having fun with what you are doing, great. But, the reasons listed above are why many will feel like you have a worthless subjob.


      • #4
        They feel like the /BLM7 is a worthless subjob because it is. I can't imagine any of the /BLM spells doing anything except taking away time better spent hitting stuff with your weapon as a WAR.

        Stone: Elemental skill at level 7 is what? 20? This spell won't do any damage to speak of against level 25+ enemies in Qufim.

        Water: Same as Stone, only more so, especially as half the creatures in Qufim resist Water (Pugils, Clippers)

        Blind: BLM don't start out with the best Enfeebling skill, and with a level 7 /BLM, that's even more true. You'd be lucky to land this one time in 10.

        Bind: Even worse than Blind, because even on the rare occasions when it isn't resisted, it will last all of half a second.

        Poison: This spell is barely even usable when you first get it (BLM5?). At level 22, it does negligible damage, and having Poison be a Water effect doesn't help (for the same drawback reasons as the Water spell)

        So you get a handful of MP that basically does nothing, almost no extra HP... no VIT... no STR... no ability traits... nothing. You might as well be WAR22 with no subjob - there is no difference, unless you want to pull enemies with Blind or something... again.. not that it will work very often, if at all.

        I have no problems with creative job choices at low levels as long as they do SOMETHING useful, but this sure doesn't qualify.



        • #5
          I guess I'll change my sub to a monk then

          Thanks for all the help and information.


          • #6
            in my honest opinion, if u wanna keep warrior, then get monk or thief for sub right now. (unless u wanna sub in an advance job) But if you are only going to lvl 30 then subbing, then dont worry about its sub, cause to me, subbing matters most in the 30 lvls and up (im not saying it doesnt matter at all, just saying people wont flip out at u till lvl 30+)

