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Will warriors be the new preferred Tank?

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  • Will warriors be the new preferred Tank?

    Seeing as theives will lose the ability to yokodama thus making it increasingly hard for Paladins to maintain aggro (or so ive heard) will Warriors be the main class sought after for the tanking job?

  • #2
    it can be just as hard for a warrioe to maintail hate as a pally will. pally will always be the hate bringer at higher lvls that is.


    • #3
      It will be easier for a PLD to keep the hate due to the cure spells, and the THF skill isnt completely gone its just that you have to be directly behind them now and not at a 95 degree angle...

      Warrior TP Warrior WS


      • #4
        I would say you should try PLD/WAR wich is a really good choise for keeping hate and take damge.
        WAR 18, WHM 14, BLM 4, THF 46, DRG 42, NIN 21


        • #5
          I think Warriors are the Tanks, with the ability Provoke that makes them the perfict tanks, add a sub with Whitemage and you can keep the monster on you the entire battle. Of course this combo is better for lower levels under 30. I'm currently in the process of becoming a Dragoon because I tire of being the tank, and well dying when other warrior fail to do thier part, ah well. But yes Paladins would probably be the better choice for tank at the higher levels.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dragoon_K
            I think Warriors are the Tanks, with the ability Provoke that makes them the perfict tanks, add a sub with Whitemage and you can keep the monster on you the entire battle. Of course this combo is better for lower levels under 30. I'm currently in the process of becoming a Dragoon because I tire of being the tank, and well dying when other warrior fail to do thier part, ah well. But yes Paladins would probably be the better choice for tank at the higher levels.
            You do know Paladins with sub Warrior have provoke right? They still don't have all of our Defense Ups, Sentinel, Shield Bash, our 2hr, etc etc. Warrior/White Mage is a silly idea. It has it's uses but you won't be using any higher level cures very much due to the poor MP subjobs give.

            Sandoria Rank 10
            Dynamis Jeuno, Windurst, Sandoria, Bastok, Beaucedine: Defeated.
            Fafnir, Nidhogg, Behemoth, Adamantoise, Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko, Kirin: D E F E A T E D


            • #7
              well yes of course, that all goes without saying, I was just focusing on what I've experianced so far.


              • #8
                offtopic but...

                "... uner my protection"?

                and, for that matter, wouldn't 'Thou shalt' be more cohesive? At least if you're trying to give it that 10 commandments flavor.
                Was stealing, now singing... mostly fishing.
                Saving for Mary's Horn~


                • #9
                  wow you know what, I've had that saying for quite some time and never thought of that. But when I say it, thou shalt, that t just doesn't flow with the rest, but nice suggestion.


                  • #10
                    Cap raised to 75 can mean only one thing to warrior tanks...... Utsusemi 1..... AND 2!! Warrior/ninja at lv74 is going to be one godly tanker AND damage dealer (not as godly as sam sub but still doing alot of damage ^^). Going to buy utsusemi 2 now and keep it nice and safe with my moogle lol. So now we can be shield breakers.... and untouchable tanks.....
                    byebye Boyahda madness ; ; /slaps Possessionaire


                    • #11
                      imho a warrior/sam makes the best tank for fast pased exp groups.

                      Then again I've only made it to 55 so far and I guess alot can change in the last 20 levels ><
                      Tarutaru! Rank 10 San'Doria
                      BLM:74 - WHM:37 - RDM:34
                      RNG:46 - NIN:27 - WAR:20 - MNK:8

                      Currently Playing: WOW Beta
                      Next Project: WOW PVP Beta


                      • #12
                        hmmm i guess back to warrior dayz hahaha! OH WAAAZAA XERO! Howz everybody doin in Lakshmi? i see youve been buzy. lv 65 war you-!
                        sro D E S T R U C T I O N orz


                        • #13
                          Although warrior can keep hate as well as a PLD, he can't take dmg as well. THF can still fuidama, it will just need to be thought about more and planned better.
                          Alldo - Bastok - Rank 9
                          Zilart Missions: 1-12
                          Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, San'd Oria
                          Relic: 2/5


                          • #14
                            Assuming ninjitsu works like other magic skills, wouldn't a half-leveled blink ninjitsu be relatively ineffective compared to a full-leveled ninja using it? For what it's worth, fighting level 21-23 goblin leechers (who use the blink spell religiously) at level 27, I quite often would get several hits in before I hit both of the blink absorbers. I'd have to try it around level 44 or so to really analyze it, but I'm thinking half-leveled blink might not work so well? Maybe I'm wrong.

