Newbie here but so far from my expeirence I tank better then a paladin of equal level!
Heres what I see the case bieng -
No question really Warrior does more damage, the more damage that is dealt the LESS the warrior takes. This means if a warriors added damage can kill the monster 10% faster, then even if the warrior takes 10% more damage then a pld they are equal.
This is broken up into two catagories -
Does the attack hit -
Warrior wins again vs. a PLD. A warrior will have Counter Attack and Dodge. These two abilities allow the warrior to be hit a lot less then a PLD.
Once hit the amount of damage -
PLD will win this on. But how much? Consider the fact that we are fighting IT monsters in all cases... theres a range where hits are taken that will do full damage regardless of armor. When these hits from a monster happen the Defense of a PLD isn't any more important then a BLMs. So while I'm a 100% positive once a hit is struck a PLD will take less damage... it is not that much.
The warrior wins this one easily. They have War Cry which is just as good as provoke and do waaaaaaay more damage with a PLD. This means that the monster will not turn on the blm/drk/rng as easily. This is a very important ability because of the drk gets hit... whats the point of having a tank? Wasted mana from WHM. Furthermore while the Paladin CAN cast heal spells they can't attack while healing. Which means while they do get a hate bump its not nearly as much as people seem to think it is. And finnaly using war/mnk special abilities also creates hate. With a warrior you don't NEED a Theif in the group.
Warrior has no spells, the PLD wins out. But many of the PLD spells server no point. Protections? You got a WHM. Status curing? WHM again, healing? Well theres something useful. BUT if the pld is casting heal spells then it will have to sit down eventually unless theres a BRD or a RDM! MEans slower pulls and less SKill chains. So now for a PLD to be effective you need not only a THF but a RDM/BRD!
As far as weapon skills it seems like the Warrior defense reduction attacks seem to be the winner here.
A warrior/mnk is more efficent then a PAL/MNK beacuse it does more damage, controls the hate, and has party benifical spells. IT tanks a LITTLE less well then a PLD but not that much. Because while the PLD will be able to soak up more damage, the WAR/MNK is hit less often.
And finnaly a WAR/MNK has more HP then a PAL/WAR giving the healer a bit of added flexabilty when it comes to healing.
This is not to say the PAL/WAR is useless, vs tough NM fights I imagine a PAL/WAR would be awsome because of their amazing 2 hour ability. I think invincible is the best 2 hour in the game personally. And if you do have a THF and a mana regener of some sort I think the PAL/WAR can compete.
This is taken form a level 37 wars experience, but from my stand point it looks like War/Mnk tanks just as well if not better then a PLD.
Heres what I see the case bieng -
No question really Warrior does more damage, the more damage that is dealt the LESS the warrior takes. This means if a warriors added damage can kill the monster 10% faster, then even if the warrior takes 10% more damage then a pld they are equal.
This is broken up into two catagories -
Does the attack hit -
Warrior wins again vs. a PLD. A warrior will have Counter Attack and Dodge. These two abilities allow the warrior to be hit a lot less then a PLD.
Once hit the amount of damage -
PLD will win this on. But how much? Consider the fact that we are fighting IT monsters in all cases... theres a range where hits are taken that will do full damage regardless of armor. When these hits from a monster happen the Defense of a PLD isn't any more important then a BLMs. So while I'm a 100% positive once a hit is struck a PLD will take less damage... it is not that much.
The warrior wins this one easily. They have War Cry which is just as good as provoke and do waaaaaaay more damage with a PLD. This means that the monster will not turn on the blm/drk/rng as easily. This is a very important ability because of the drk gets hit... whats the point of having a tank? Wasted mana from WHM. Furthermore while the Paladin CAN cast heal spells they can't attack while healing. Which means while they do get a hate bump its not nearly as much as people seem to think it is. And finnaly using war/mnk special abilities also creates hate. With a warrior you don't NEED a Theif in the group.
Warrior has no spells, the PLD wins out. But many of the PLD spells server no point. Protections? You got a WHM. Status curing? WHM again, healing? Well theres something useful. BUT if the pld is casting heal spells then it will have to sit down eventually unless theres a BRD or a RDM! MEans slower pulls and less SKill chains. So now for a PLD to be effective you need not only a THF but a RDM/BRD!
As far as weapon skills it seems like the Warrior defense reduction attacks seem to be the winner here.
A warrior/mnk is more efficent then a PAL/MNK beacuse it does more damage, controls the hate, and has party benifical spells. IT tanks a LITTLE less well then a PLD but not that much. Because while the PLD will be able to soak up more damage, the WAR/MNK is hit less often.
And finnaly a WAR/MNK has more HP then a PAL/WAR giving the healer a bit of added flexabilty when it comes to healing.
This is not to say the PAL/WAR is useless, vs tough NM fights I imagine a PAL/WAR would be awsome because of their amazing 2 hour ability. I think invincible is the best 2 hour in the game personally. And if you do have a THF and a mana regener of some sort I think the PAL/WAR can compete.
This is taken form a level 37 wars experience, but from my stand point it looks like War/Mnk tanks just as well if not better then a PLD.