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Ok i need help...

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  • Ok i need help...

    so i dont know wat to be.... i really would like smome peeps to post their prefrences..... i think i want to be a elvaan warrior but i dont know......:confused:
    Love peace and turkey grease- the Pest

  • #2
    Heh, i see noone will touch this with a ten foot pole for fear of yet another flame war.
    If you post what your goals for the game are (e.g. do you want to take damage or heal damage or deal damage (in which case do you like swords or bows or magic) or just support the party ...) then people will be able to help you with which classes do what best.
    However, as far as what you *should* be, that is up to your idea of having a good time!


    • #3
      I'll try to help you out...

      To be honest it all depends on your preference. Some people will analyze the hell outta the stats and choose that way, but best do it based on like the affor mention; you goals. If you want a Tarutaru Dark Knight then by all means go for it. If you want a Galka White Mage, noone is stopping you. I like seeing the players that go against the odds. I have an LS member who is a tarutaru Warriors and plays alot better than most Warriors i've come accross at the same level, and it's humerous to watch him run in his armor.
      "We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." - Boondock Saints

