What a marvelous test you have designed!
How does this "test" remotely prove that Provoke subtracts hate from the THF... who has ZERO hate to start with? All that it proves is that using WAR's skills add to hate (but obviously, not if the mob hasn't aggroed anyone yet). So yay, if you use all your skills before you provoke/engage the mob, you have less hate than if use all your skills after you provoke/engage. Congratulations, welcome to last week.
If your theory was actually correct, all you would need to do is have a WAR and THF party up, WAR does provoke, THF does a small dmg offensive action (or Steal). Since Provoke "doesn't add hate" to the WAR, THF would have more hate, and mob would face THF, 100%. We all know your theory fails this test spectacularly.
And I like how you conveniently ignored the fact that if Provoke only subtracts from other party members' hate, and you can't go into negative enmity, the first person to attack a mob after a Provoke pull would ALWAYS gain aggro. I also liked how you slipped in that "Provoke only subtracts from others' hate, oh, but it resets your hate to some set number above zero." Yeah, in English, if you start out with zero hate, and then you "reset" to some number above zero, we just call that adding hate.
I also applaud your attempt to smokescreen the fact that if Provoke only subtracted hate from others, you could not pull mobs with it.
And finally, as I already said, if Provoke subtracted from hate, then if a mage pulled with a low-hate spell, WAR provoked and immediately died, the mob would just walk away, because the mage would have zero hate. OK.
So let's compare theories:
a) Provoke adds to hate. (Extreme's counterargument mysteriously absent)
b) Provoke subtracts from everyone else's hate, but never to zero or negative, and also sets you to some higher number of non-zero hate (but don't call it adding!). Oh, and we prefer to think of it as subtracting from everyone else, instead of adding to WAR, even though mathematically that produces the exact same result, since the mob attacks whoever has the most hate.
Hmm, tough choice.
P.S. Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose to talk about "stupid NA newbies" when you've been playing the game for over a year, and still don't have a clue?
How does this "test" remotely prove that Provoke subtracts hate from the THF... who has ZERO hate to start with? All that it proves is that using WAR's skills add to hate (but obviously, not if the mob hasn't aggroed anyone yet). So yay, if you use all your skills before you provoke/engage the mob, you have less hate than if use all your skills after you provoke/engage. Congratulations, welcome to last week.
If your theory was actually correct, all you would need to do is have a WAR and THF party up, WAR does provoke, THF does a small dmg offensive action (or Steal). Since Provoke "doesn't add hate" to the WAR, THF would have more hate, and mob would face THF, 100%. We all know your theory fails this test spectacularly.
And I like how you conveniently ignored the fact that if Provoke only subtracts from other party members' hate, and you can't go into negative enmity, the first person to attack a mob after a Provoke pull would ALWAYS gain aggro. I also liked how you slipped in that "Provoke only subtracts from others' hate, oh, but it resets your hate to some set number above zero." Yeah, in English, if you start out with zero hate, and then you "reset" to some number above zero, we just call that adding hate.
I also applaud your attempt to smokescreen the fact that if Provoke only subtracted hate from others, you could not pull mobs with it.
And finally, as I already said, if Provoke subtracted from hate, then if a mage pulled with a low-hate spell, WAR provoked and immediately died, the mob would just walk away, because the mage would have zero hate. OK.
So let's compare theories:
a) Provoke adds to hate. (Extreme's counterargument mysteriously absent)
b) Provoke subtracts from everyone else's hate, but never to zero or negative, and also sets you to some higher number of non-zero hate (but don't call it adding!). Oh, and we prefer to think of it as subtracting from everyone else, instead of adding to WAR, even though mathematically that produces the exact same result, since the mob attacks whoever has the most hate.
Hmm, tough choice.
P.S. Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose to talk about "stupid NA newbies" when you've been playing the game for over a year, and still don't have a clue?