Be carefull when taking advice from a warrior/whm!
I have never seen provoke act in such a way as to make me think it "failed." Seems to me it adds so much hate, just like a direct damage spell would. Sometimes it is not enough to pull the monster back to the provoker because another player has more hate then the provoke can overcome.
Take a whm and benediction for example. Unless the provoker has alot of hate built up, a single provoke will not get the mob on them (as far as I have seen.) This can be tested by having someone make a mob very angry, and then use provoke. If I am correct, they provoke won't pull the mob off no matter how many times the test is run. If taurius is correct the mob will sometimes be pulled off, sometimes not.
I brought up bard and bst just because they would be two classes that would have alot of chr gear. For the test I was suggesting to examine provoke, they would need to sub warrior.
Btw, sneak attack is not the thief skill that transfers hate. Trick attack is.
I have never seen provoke act in such a way as to make me think it "failed." Seems to me it adds so much hate, just like a direct damage spell would. Sometimes it is not enough to pull the monster back to the provoker because another player has more hate then the provoke can overcome.
Take a whm and benediction for example. Unless the provoker has alot of hate built up, a single provoke will not get the mob on them (as far as I have seen.) This can be tested by having someone make a mob very angry, and then use provoke. If I am correct, they provoke won't pull the mob off no matter how many times the test is run. If taurius is correct the mob will sometimes be pulled off, sometimes not.
I brought up bard and bst just because they would be two classes that would have alot of chr gear. For the test I was suggesting to examine provoke, they would need to sub warrior.
Btw, sneak attack is not the thief skill that transfers hate. Trick attack is.