CHR doesn't affect how long the enemies stays on you for, that is Enmity, it affects the chance of the enemy facing you after you use provoke.
Provoke works better if it is used everytime it is up. It doesn't just give you a chance to bump you up over every one else that has hate.
Think of provoke as a nice big direct damage spell that you can use every 30 seconds. It does not work like the taunt in eq, for example.
I am not convinced that charisma has anything to do with provoke. Any JP sites out there run chr tests? I would like to hear the out come if they did.
If someone out there can do the bard/warrior test I suggested, it should be easy to see if chr makes a difference.
Alternativly, has anyone noticed the difference between a galka and an elvaan warrior's provoke? I have not.