I don wish to be a paly, but i wanna play a tank. But i heard Nins tanks better than war? Why?
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Are Warrior the 2nd best tank in the end game?
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I've heard from higher level players it goes Ninja, then Paladin, then Warrior. The Ninja would be using Ninjitsu to tank. Ninjitsu such as Utsusemi: Ni allows the Ninja to not be hit for 2 or 3 attacks. The ninja would of course have to keep reapplying the ninjitsu, but would take very little damage. The Ninjitsu is supposed to be costly, but I can't tell you how much--I don't have much experience with Ninjas.
I like Paladin so far though. Why don't you want to play a Paladin? I'm already a good tank and I keep getting told by higher level players that I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet.
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Maybe you don't not ideally wanna be a tank but prefer being a damage dealer... Just a thought... cuz in that case you could play monk or dragoon or even theif if you have the patienceAvenger~ Fighting the Future to Avenge the Past
Dark Knight~ I'm taking a break from FFXI for now...
Rank 4 San d'Oria
Drk: 38 | War: 29 | Thf: 25 | Mnk: 10 | Rdm: 9| Whm: 7 | Pld: 5
Attained~ Dark Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Samurai
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Well, yeah, that's true...if you want to pay the most money in the whole freaking world of Vana'diel. I'm telling ya, you will have to be rich beyond your wildest dreams to do that. You would have to use several stacks every hour, and the stacks are really costly. I would just go Pally..There must be light for the darkness to exist. Without the light, there is nothing. The light is ultimate!!!
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I've been in multiple parties with both the main tank being a pld and another one where the main tank was a ninja. The ninja did save up a whole lot of mp with his ninjutsu, but there were times where the monster went stray and started going for the mages. I've never had this problem with a pld tank.
Good side about ninja is that yea, they got their ninjutsu, but a poor ninja is a risk you have to take when you do get a ninja in your party. The bad side is that the enemy does move a bit sometimes, which means everyone has to reposition themselves.
With plds and their high enmity, the enemy is not likely to move unless the whm somehow bombs himself with a curaga or cure 3 or benediction. this makes it a whole lot easier for the thf to do his job since the enemy ain't gonna go anywhere.
So at the end, each has their own strong points and weak points. I personally preffer having a pld over a ninja, but my preference for plds is only a hairline more than a ninja because I've seen some exceptionally good japanese ninjas out there before.
I wouldn't say warrior is the 2nd best tank in the game. Warrior is only a basic job, it's not even an adv job, and warrior tanks have some real trouble controlling hate against the mages.
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i would say PLD>WAR>NIN..
i love PTing with PLD i can use any of my skills when i want and i dont get hit, i used darkness from the begining of the battle and it didnt turn on me once. Now war is great too they also make it easyer to hit the dam thing with shield break. i honestly hate PTing with nins. they cant keep hate at all. i cant darkness even with a THF and i normally have to cancel berserk on and off. i normally end up tanking near the end since the THF cant deal that much dmg to keep it off me and the nin only has taunt..
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I have no idea how a NIN can tank. I read the examples above, but first question comes to mind: at what level can a NIN become an effective tank? If at level 70, then really, who needs to XP at this point? o.O Even at level 60s, I seriously fail to see how well a NIN can tank. I've partied with NIN before (more than once - numerous times I might add and with different players) and let me tell you, they suck at keeping hate on themselves. More often times than not, w/o a REAL tanker (PLD or WAR) in the party to control enmity, the monsters keep running after the mages. SAMs can build immense enmity on themselves for obvious reasons, but they are so weak in defense that they are poor tankers when you get right to it (same with DRKs). Plus, WARs have equipment which adds to enmity, I don't think NIN has any or if they do, they don't add to much at all and/or takes away from what's important to them - namely EVA and AGI stats.
I think it would be PLD and then WAR as the logical choices. WAR/DRK or WAR/SAM can also build up enmity as well, but I think the latter option would only be logical at much higher levels. PLD is the ultimate tanker provided they can do decent enough damage to keep hate (You can't just keep hate if you can't deal enough damage to do so - you don't need to do insane damage, but if you keep missing the mob, eventually it'll lose interest and go after the mages in your party or anyone else that's dishing out the damage). The normal config for a tanker would be PLD/WAR, but experimenting also helps - there might be more than one way to skin a cat (in the vein of PLD discussion).
Note: If a NIN needs to keep spending tons of money and craft a lot to tank for a party, then it's a waste of money and time. Seriously, it's great to have one on board to dish out the damage but not to do that and to tank. That is why there are multiple job classes in this game IIRC.
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Originally posted by Rekiem
Best is tank is Ninja, second best is Paladin, third best is Warrior.
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