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Greatsword vs Two-Hand.

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  • Greatsword vs Two-Hand.

    Hey guys. Im a lvl 20 warrior/monk right now and I was looking for some advice on which weapons I should buy for lvl 20.

    I used 1h sword/1h axes and stopped using it now because I've been reading about how good a 2h sword is. I've sold my shield, etc and now have to money to buy what I think are the two best Great Swords for lvl 20 war.

    The two GS's I've picked are Mrc. Greatsword and Two-Hand. Sword.

    The stats:
    Mrc. Greatsword -
    DMG: 33 - Delay: 431 - Attack +7

    Two-Hand. Sword -
    DMG: 35 - Delay: 456

    Anyway I want to hear what u guys think is the better GS to get. If know of a better GS at lvl 20 not including +1's please tell me

    Your input would be very helpful!

    Kenshin of Valefor

    Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
    Thats Kendo!
    It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
    Level Does Not = Skill!
    Level = Knowledge

  • #2
    Those are the 2 best choices at 20. I'm fairly certain the merc's greatsword will do more damage in the long run (+7 attack is a pretty nice bonus, not to mention shorter delay). But I chose the two-hand sword anyway because I think it looks cooler


    • #3
      LOL! I was thinking that as well but I want the one that would be actually better.

      Like is attack +7 that much better than actual DMG +2 with the Two-Hand?
      Kenshin of Valefor

      Hitting people in four spots with a stick.
      Thats Kendo!
      It'll just take you 20 years to learn to do it right.
      Level Does Not = Skill!
      Level = Knowledge


      • #4
        It could be, i mean i ahd an Obelisk(Polearm) and a Bronze Spear(take a guess ^^) and the two almost did the same damage but one was for lvl 4 and the other lvl 7, the Obelisk was Damage 13 with +1 STR and the Bronze Spear 16, i ended up taking the Bronze because it did like 3 extra damage so the attack can definately make a difference!

        Warrior TP Warrior WS


        • #5
          It's hard to say for sure what the relation is between attack rating and weapon damage rating, and which one is more important. I have been trying to figure this out, but I'm still not sure how it works. From what I can gather, weapon damage provides a base damage for your attack, and attack rating affects the range of damage your attack can do. In this respect, I think the +2 damage would probably have more of an effect than the +7 attack. However, since the merc's sword has a shorter delay, I think it's better overall.

