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War/Mnk or War/dark knight

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  • War/Mnk or War/dark knight

    War/Mnk or War/dark knight?

  • #2
    Though WAR/MNK is ideal, WAR/DRK is a severly underrated tank. Last resort is an extremely good method of gathering hate, and when last resort and defender are used at the same time, last resort is a little less effective so you'll still end up with defense up and attack down, except you get much more hate with each successful hit (not to mention using the ability in the first place). Also, DRK sub boosts your int so that when you use red lotus WS (due to the limited amount of WS's at lower levels, you'll still be asked to use 1 hand sword at times, this is unavoidable) it does a very nice amount of damage. This is just a small justification, since when I play WAR i just use it to level as a sub, so I sub DRK because I have no other choice. It does work faily well, but WAR/MNK is still what you should aim for.

    MNK is the best sub for WAR up until level 59, but once you hit level 60, it's crucial that you have an up to date samurai sub to use. Any WAR past level 60 without samurai sub is, though not totally worthless, crippled at the least. On the other hand, samurai sub is almost completely inferior to MNK sub before level 60. Before the expansion came out, MNK was the best sub for WAR throughout all levels, but SAM sub's TP charge ability at 30 is simply too useful to pass up, especially for WAR.
    DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



    • #3
      Hee hee, I subbed drk once too when leveling sub. I equipped 2 physical pierces and mp went to 0 so no one even noticed XD. Also you don't have to keep last resort on you can shut it off and get total defence beef + all the hate. INT boost from subbing DRK isn't that big anyhow, but that HP+ from mnk makes it more worthwhile imo.

