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How good is +ATK?

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  • How good is +ATK?

    Currently (at lvl 14) I'm wearing scale gloves. [DEF 3] I have the option to buy [DEF3 ATK3] gloves from the conquest guy for 1000 points. At 16 I'd be able to buy bone gloves [DEF4] or I could do the quest for lizard gloves [DEF5] at 17 for which I have 2/3 of the drops.

    Now if I buy the ATK gloves I don't want to be upgrading them anytime soon. Conquest points aren't too easy to come by when your city's newbie zones have fallen under monster control. (San D`Oria is overrun with chain-dying fools atm.) So that brings the question, "is 3ATK worth a loss of 1 or 2 DEF?"

    I have an unrelated question as well... Is going from a light axe/aspis to a great axe a decent upgrade? [14/260 2DEF to 30/504 0DEF...I think]

    Feel free to chime in if you have any other equipment suggestions for a warrior around my level. It's hard to get a good feeling for gear as a newbie at this time. The influx of american players since the release has destroyed the lower end economy of my server. It's hard to tell what purchase is worth it and what is a rip at the auction house. For example, the last 10 greataxes to sell at auction went for 8-9k a piece. If I hadn't been to Selbena I would never had known that they're worth only half that.

  • #2
    In the long run those gloves will suck... Basically because your gonna need all the def you can get and plus every time you level you inscrease your weapon level limit... So basically if I were you get those 4 or 5 def gloves and save those conquest points.. Cuz your gonna need all the points for those elite equipment in the higher levels...

    AS for Armor, Save your dough so you can get the Lizard Armors at 17...

    As for the axe question... Personally I would stay with 1h Axe/aspis combo... my reason is its cheaper, its faster, plus if you think about it, your gonna do the same amount of damage anyway...(1x hit of 2h axe = about 2x hit of 1h axe) (and get some extra defense and (and sometimes)blocks from the aspis) But play however you like...
    Avenger~ Fighting the Future to Avenge the Past
    Dark Knight~ I'm taking a break from FFXI for now...

    Rank 4 San d'Oria
    Drk: 38 | War: 29 | Thf: 25 | Mnk: 10 | Rdm: 9| Whm: 7 | Pld: 5
    Attained~ Dark Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Samurai


    • #3
      i dont understnad this coment,
      The influx of american players since the release has destroyed the lower end economy of my server
      American players had nothing to do with any of the economys, my server is exactly the same, the japanese players sett the economy and knew americans where comming and they took advantage of alot of first time players.


      • #4
        As a WAR, you're expected to tank more than you're expected to deal damage. For this case, 3 ATK is much more useful than 1 Defense, but since you said if you got those gloves you wouldn't plan on upgrading for awhile, I think it's better to stick with the defense equips. With the next upgrade that you can't afford because of the attack gloves, the defense difference may be significant.

        As for the axes, level both, but make 2h your preference. First of all, 2h Axe is WAR's A+ skill, whereas 1h axe is only A-. As the level cap rises, so does the skill cap, and so increases the difference between A+ and A- skills; eventually it will be extremely significant. Personally, I don't think there's a 1h axe WS out there that is so amazing as to give up your breaks for it. Starting from skill level 10, 2h Axe has one of the most useful WS's in the game, shield break. Though 1h's rampage may seem quite jaw-dropping at first, eventually it you'll have to face the fact that a 1-hand WS, even though it's multi-hit, it's still a 1h weapon, and that counting the number of hits, it only does the damage and returns the TP of a 2h WS consisting of HALF that many hits. At higher levels, WAR is expected to use 2h axe and nothing else, because they are recruited almost entirely for the stat break WS's.
        DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11


