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The new and The old...

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  • The new and The old...

    ive made a topic thats still here about this same qusetion but that was last month i want to see how it plays out again and see if i get the same reponse since things change in FF11

    ok i want to start as a Warrior for sure. i first wanted to be a PAL to protect the weak but i hate that they have no str... so i desided if i want str, and def should i take the road to not having an advanced job the whole game and just be a WAR/MNK? or should i take the road to a SAM/WAR. (becuase i heard they can dish out damage and take some hits...) so which one???

  • #2
    Sorry bro only you can decide one can tell what jobs'll make you have the most's what floats yer boat......protect the innocent which ever way feels right to you


    • #3
      im not asking which ones fun, im asking which one would have a good str and def...


      • #4
        do you get what i mean now??


        • #5
          I have to say if you want a good mix between defense and attack then I'd go warrior for a few reasons.

          1. WAR can play tank at LV25 if needed. Warrior also deals an extremely good amount of dmg at higher levels.

          2. SAM, which is the best choice of tank besides NIN then PLD then WAR. They can only really tank around LV54 when they are able to eat those really good expensive rice balls that give them VIT up the ass and a shit load of other stats. Don't know the whole SAM thing from experience but i do know about warrior.

          EDIT: Went back and read this...doesnt make much sense...sorry im tired as hell TT.
          Alldo - Bastok - Rank 9
          Zilart Missions: 1-12
          Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, San'd Oria
          Relic: 2/5


          • #6
            i see your a WAR/SAM, what can you tell me as str wise and def wse, how do you do? or should i stick at WAR/MNK?

