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Taru Taru

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  • Taru Taru

    I've been wondering how a Taru Taru would be as a warrior/paladin..? I really like the Taru Taru race, but I've read there mainly for being black mage and white mage, but I really wanted to try something else, in almost every other mmorpg i've played i've been a wizard..and I really wanted to try warrior out for a change.

  • #2
    you would be a little hindered, and there will always be those who view fun as being only the best possible of all options, but quite frankly the difference will wind up being a couple hit points, done or taken. ill probably wind up being shot down for saying that :p

    in the end, its playing what you want to, you wana be a taru taru, then be one, the heck with what others think(i myself tend to be one of those who will choose a class and race based on the fact that very few people do) the game is about fun, from what people say, you can make up for pretty much anything with items.
    Good night space fans, where ever you are


    • #3
      taru warriors do good. maybe tank good under heavy healing. if you are looking for a great melee class for taru's then go for theif. tarus do insanely well as theives coz of the dex they have. they can do some great damage too with backstab and sneak attack. but again, taru's can do good as warriors. just pick the job you feel comfortable with ^^

      although after what ive seen from taru theives... i would go for theif in my opinion if i was a taru lol

      anyhow, enjoy warrior ^^


      • #4
        Being a Tarutaru Warrior with a scythe in the beta i'll tell you they are at a disadvantage hp wise, this is only really a big problem when soloing. But seeing those little bastards attack giant monsters with their toothpick like weapons is all worth it (and yes you will get made fun of when people see you)
        "So there was this pun making contest right. The guy said allright, you write down ten puns and send them in and we'll see if you can win. Well I wrote them all down and waited until the final day of the contest to see if any of my ten puns would win. But no pun in-ten-did."


        • #5
          Its about being what you want to, but if you really wanted to be kickass, be a taru PLD/WHM. So start by LVling War and WHM then get PLD as advanced job and us PLD/war till LVL 32 then switch the war to the WHM and you will be main tank in all partys, even ones with other PLD/WArs.


          • #6
            I've noticed that you have to start out a little slower at low levels but I've had very little problems


            • #7
              I dont have much to add except I have found my only real disadvantage is my HP, I still get in groups and get many reactions of being a taru war (good ones :D) if war is your thing go for it! HEres a little teaser taru drg and war in AF!
              Attached Files


              • #8
                I am a 10war 8thief taru.

                i started out thief... and HATED it. you will die a lot, even to easy prey, as a thief.

                I started war, thinking it would be just as bad due to low taru hp, but its been a TON easier. theres just something about the warr job that gives me a lot more hp per lvl than thief. more importantly, its enough to get the job done while thieves dont survive.

                Currently i plan to get to 18 in war, unlock a sub, and then go thief/war. i still think ill be thief main, once the sub makes it easier to level. but honestly i am LOVING taru war so much, im not sure anymore hehe!

                ps - if you do go taru thief, for the love of god, use a sword until lvl 15 or so. With a 6000gil beestinger and max skill i am doing less damage than my lvl 1 war with a bronze axe. dont go dagger until youve survived the hell lvls 1-15.



                • #9
                  To solo in the early levels as a thief you pretty much have to use sword, dagger only becomes useful in groups and at 33+

