I dont have the game, cause Im waiting for it to come out. Putting that aside, is a Elvaan Warrior/Bard a good combination? Im not looking for a tank or anything, Im looking for something fun and maybe even alittle difficult.
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Elvaan Warrior/Bard
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Hi there.
Warrior/bard is not a combo that u can use unforunately. Bard subbed is never good (you cant even use instruments). plus if ure a warrior, ure expected to tank if your party doesnt have a paladin in it. tanking then is not an option. never sub a mage/support job with warrior its never useful. if you want a hard job to level then warrior is. its just that if you ever want to get anywhere you need to sub a support job that really does support your main job. u can do bard as a main job separately which is alot of fun and sub white mage for it, since its a support/caster class. front line battle classes such as warrior needs a sub job that u can really make a use of such as monk and theif (or samurai when you are at a high level). remember that u need to tank if there is no paladin so u might wanna consider another job if u dont like to tank.
hope that helps and good luck
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The stat difference isnt that great compared to any other "tanking" subjob though, correct? Granted sing isn't as useful w/ out an instrument, it can still help out, not just the warrior, but also other members. I mean, couldn't you sing right before somebody goes fishing for a monster and set everyone up? I haven't played the game, so don't feel as if i'm trying to prove anyone wrong, i am more than likely wrong, but i do see some redeemable value in having bard as a subjob, even for a melee class. All the skills warrior needs are in place for tanking, taunt, berserk, defend, etc. and equipment selection for warriors seems to be pretty wide, so couldn't that make a differnce as well?
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The fact that you wouldn't be able to equip intsruments would make your character extremely limited. If I'm not mistaken, I believe a large number of a bard's songs would be unavailable to you. Even putting that aside, you would still run into some difficulties. The stat difference between subbing bard and subbing something more common, such as monk or samurai, might not be huge. But it would definitely be significant. The real problem is, warriors have a hard time at high levels to begin with. Those extra abilities we get from subbing a good support job become essential. You won't have any of those extra abilities, and the songs you'll have access to probably won't have much effect because your charisma won't be nearly as high as a real bard. If you really want to persue it no one is going to stop you, but you'll probably have a really hard time with it.
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