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So what should I do?

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  • So what should I do?

    I want to end up with Drg as my main and Id like to have Thf War and Sam available as subs.... so I was wondering what my progression should be? War -> Thf or Thf -> War? Any help would be great. Thanks.
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  • #2
    i like war/thf because you can get the ultimate sneak attack thf/war is alright i guess but you would mostly sub mnk with thf...
    Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
    Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
    Clan:Alexandrian Knights


    • #3
      If you plan on lvling both anyway, it really doesn't matter which one you start out with. Thief might be a little easier because you'll have more money early on, but other than that it's just a matter of personal preference.


      • #4
        go WAR->THF because when you Lv THF, your going to need /MNK sub for the grapple time down.
        Alldo - Bastok - Rank 9
        Zilart Missions: 1-12
        Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, San'd Oria
        Relic: 2/5


        • #5
          lol you guys make me laugh...

          heh Next you will be telling me that I need a Wht for when I solo and wanna heal myself and then a bard because they have songs and play instruments... and while Im at it I might as well throw in a Rdm just for the Jack of all trades aspect.... odd people:sweat: :sweat: :sweat:

          Edit: lol Im just messing with you... not trying to be a jerk
          or anything
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          • #6
            What is the problem Sun? Can I help with something?
            Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
            Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


            • #7
              Lol no

              Naw Im good... Just messin but I was just wonderin how I should go about my quest to become a Drg with subs of war thf and sam. Should I go war18 then sub war or sub thf? Thats pretty much my question and if I do sub war for thf does my war sub just raise from one proportionatly or how does that work... Like if Im a lvl 30 war and then I sub war for thf does that mean that when Im a lvl 10 thf Ill have lvl 5 war stats and when Im lvl 20 thf will I have lvl 10 stats for war? kidna hard to explain but oh well Im off to bed. Thanks guys
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