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  • War/Nin?

    think thats a good idea? im basically interested in the duel weild but i still want the strength and stuff

  • #2

    The short answer is... No. Dual-Wielding will add good attack from dbl weapons, but the whole point of the warrior is to take hits and with Ninja you lower your Vitality and you raise your DEX. However, if you want to be more of just a straight damage dealer I wouldn't recomend Warrior as a main job at all. If you want to be a straight attacker, Warrior will still make a great sub but again you WILL be expected to Tank because you have provoke. Unless you become a Dark Knight then you could get out of it. Dragoon's make great attackers with /Warrior because it adds to their strength and you can lvl up their spear early on plus although you will be a reasonable Tanker, at higher lvls you will become a straight DMG dealer. If you want to be a faster attacker, I would reccomend a Thief/Ninja because Thiefs can have awesome attacks as a main job with Sneak Attack and Deceiving Attack you can do a lot of DMG. Add duel Daggers from the Ninja and you would be a power house.


    • #3
      i eould be thf/nin except the thfs AF armor looks lame =( cool boots but thats about it heh


      • #4
        So switch them around, most people like the Ninja AF. The only bad side to that is that then the THFs Active Abilities are nerfed. Personally I kinda like their AF. I mean sure it's not as cool as SAM/DRG/DRK/PAL but it's certainly better than WAR and BST.


        • #5
          Cut it out with lame the cookie cutters.

          A warrior would be fine dual wielding two swords, they'd have to be one handed swords, but it would be alot stronger. And if you leveled Ninja along with it then you'd hit harder, more often.

          I'd go with Dark Knight since they are stronger then warriors but if you've already got your warrior leveled up yuo shuold stick with it.


          • #6
            Honestly, you can be whatever you want to be. So, these people are making suggestions. But there is a reason that some suggestions are "cookie-cutter."

            If you /NIN you will get dual wield, but honestly it kind of sucks. In order to dual wield you have to equip 1h weapons, which warriors are not as profficient with as they are w/ 2h swords or axes. Plus, with dual wield your swings are slower so you are basically attacking as if you had one slow (but stronger) weapon. Maybe they will "fix" that, but for now it sucks. And you are a tank, so people will expect you to be taunting, and having been a healer, i know it is annoying when Warriors take hits like women (no offense to the ladies) when they are supposed to be tough. Either you taunt and takes hits badly, possibly dying... or you just become a straight attacker and get booted from PT for not taunting. Your choice. No one is telling you what to do, just offering advice. Cookie-cutter or not.
            "Don't blame me, blame yourself... or God"


            • #7
              Warriors are as proficient in 1 handed weapons as they are in 2h weapons. They have a B in both 1 and 2 handed swords, and an A- in one handed and two handed axe.


              • #8
                Yes, you are right... but that is a small point. The main point is Dual Wield is not all it is cracked up to be. And from a /NIN all you would really gain is DEX and Dual Wield. Warrior are tanks, they need HP and Def. Ninja really gives neither...
                "Don't blame me, blame yourself... or God"


                • #9
                  From what I've seen the people who dual wield end of being ninjas forever. And dual wield isn't all that slow, I was in a party with a guy who dual wielded, its just a little slower then a normal attack cause it attacks twice. And I think its 1.5x the delay of both the weapons combined.


                  • #10
                    why shouldnt war/nin work? if u take 2 1h axes which are A for war? well nin doesnt gives alot of str or vit but dex for evading?
                    or am i wrong? :confused:
                    War 70, Mnk 30, Drk 75, Thf 37, Bst 8, Nin 37, Blm 37, Dnc 37, Rdm 75



                    • #11
                      War/Nin would be a great combo, not only the dual wielding but you'd have other ninja skills to go along with it.

                      I'm pretty sure dual wielding would work with axes, but I know it works with sword like weapons.


                      • #12
                        also, iwouldnt worry about the way the af armor looks so much, you never know when they will bring out the next expansion with new sets of uber-armor, and maybe the thf's will look the coolest of all then.


                        • #13
                          There should be different sets of AF armor, so we get a choice.

                          I know Squenix can make alot more cool armor.

                          I'd like to be a War/Nin with dual wield keyblades >_>


                          • #14
                            With /nin could you use ninjitsu? Cause then you can use blink ninjitsu which should be strong unless its effect is lessened as a sub. And if you have 1h weapons that add stats, then duel-weild is very good.
                            Koy: Male/TaruTaru Rank 2 30 WHM |15 BLM | 11 BST | 10 PLD | 5 War | 6 MNK | 13 THF | 1 RDM - retired

                            Puki: Male/TaruTaru 11 THF | 7 RDM - mule

                            Rokk: Male/TaruTaru San Rank 10 74 RDM | 19 WHM | 37 BLM | 30 MNK| 25 WAR | 30 RNG | 15 NIN - active

                            100% Warlock ˆˆ


                            • #15
                              Well it ciould work and all the people saying that all you get is dual weild and dex are just ignorant and yo0u shouldn't pay attention to them. You also get all the ninjutsu up to your sub level. That means blink. From info I have read its this spell that makes ninjas godly tanks (because they never get hit). So you get dual axes, ninjutsu for blink and lower resist, stealth, and added stats from your weapons. The only down side is that you, as a warrior will have lower int. lowering the potentcy of your ninjutsu skills. But not so much that those skills would be useless. Overall NIN/WAR is better but WAR/NIN should do fine. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably just ignorant of the qualities of the ninja.

