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Thief as a Subjob

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  • Thief as a Subjob

    Now I know I could go to every single path forum and find which mention thief but I thought it would be easier to ask straight out...

    What jobs is THF a good subjob for? So heard I have heard of two: Monk and Blue mage. Anyone have any others to offer?
    [Name: Tokagawa] [Server: Bahamut] [Awesome: Yes I am]
    [THF:30] [MNK:18] [BLU:10] [BLM:9] [BST:9] [WHM:5]

  • #2
    Re: Thief as a Subjob

    Any job that could opportunistically benefit from free spurts of spiked damaged every 60s.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: Thief as a Subjob

      how is BST/THF or DNC/THF
      [Name: Tokagawa] [Server: Bahamut] [Awesome: Yes I am]
      [THF:30] [MNK:18] [BLU:10] [BLM:9] [BST:9] [WHM:5]


      • #4
        Re: Thief as a Subjob

        Its good if you're farming or need to land a WS for a skillchain on Kirin or something big.

        fk yes


        • #5
          Re: Thief as a Subjob

          For farming purposes, I suppose you could use Thief as subjob for many jobs, because of the Treasure Hunter job trait at level 15.

          For experience points party's, the following jobs are able to, or very likely to use it as subjob:
          Blue Mage
          Dark Knight

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • #6
            Re: Thief as a Subjob

            thank you kitty :]
            [Name: Tokagawa] [Server: Bahamut] [Awesome: Yes I am]
            [THF:30] [MNK:18] [BLU:10] [BLM:9] [BST:9] [WHM:5]


            • #7
              Re: Thief as a Subjob

              Small addition:

              Monk.. I would never do that.

              Warrior depends on several things. You probably will want to use Ninja as subjob for Warrior the most, but it's possible to use Thief as subjob if you're using a Great Axe. However, for Two-Handed weapons, Samurai is actually a more beneficial subjob. (Same goes for other Two-Handed weapon users.)

              Basically, the jobs that could use it the most are Samurai and Blue Mage.

              War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


              • #8
                Re: Thief as a Subjob


                Never. never, NEVER use THF before 30 - It. Is. Useless.


                • #9
                  Re: Thief as a Subjob

                  really? I am about to be a BLU and I thought that I could do blu/thf all the way up. should I do blu/mnk until 30 insted?
                  [Name: Tokagawa] [Server: Bahamut] [Awesome: Yes I am]
                  [THF:30] [MNK:18] [BLU:10] [BLM:9] [BST:9] [WHM:5]


                  • #10
                    Re: Thief as a Subjob

                    You don't get anything from a THF sub until 30 since Sneak attack is a level 15 THF job ability, as is the Job Trait, Treasure Hunter. These abilities won't unlock on /THF til BLU is 30.

                    Your subjobs skill will always be half of your main, so its important to choose a functional subjob for your level instead of just whatever is laying around that you've levelled.

                    /MNK doesn't do much of anything for BLU, either. At the early levels, I'd say /WHM for extra cures and /WAR do a bit more since you can use Provoke and Cocoon to tank for PTs at lower levels.

                    FFXI isn't about taking one combo all the way to 75, but also about being flexible and adapting to the situation. So in that respect, BLU can make use of more than just a THF subjob.

                    NIN, THF, WAR, WHM and RDM are a handful of subjobs that BLU can put to use in various situations, the more subs you have, the more options you have open to you.
                    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-17-2008, 08:09 PM.

