Dear Banditos and Banditas,
I need some clarification on our steal ability.
I recently tried to explain to a fellow bandit that our Steal Job Ability with its godly uber 5:00 recast timer would only be successful once in stealing an item from a particular mob, if that mob is tabled to carry a specific steal item.
This guy (LV 25 THF, btw) went so far as to state that it is indeed possible to steal more than one item successfully from a mob.

His story, to paraphrase:
Stealing from a mob, successfully, would make his inventory full. Waiting 5 minutes afterwards, he would Use the steal command AGAIN, and get the message that would tell him his inventory was full, and that he was unable to steal again. After sorting his inventory, and stealing from the same mob, he said it's possible to steal another item from that same mob successfully stolen from.
. . . Wth.
Did I miss something in my 2-3 years of playing this job religiously?
His arguement:
You succeed, but you don't get the item...
If you didn't suceed, you wouldn't have gotten the message (Inventory full)
You can pretty much activate steal just like you could fish even when your inventory is full. Supposedly he's stolen mutliple beastcoins doing this.

Ok. Here's where your input comes in. Is it possible to steal multiple items off of the same mob?
If you're going to testify in favor, or that full inventory when using steal against a mob that has a steal item or not is a justifiable means of successful steals, I will ask you to please elaborate thoroughly.
Because something in the back of my mind just wants to give me reason to introduce my tip of my boot to your rear if you don't otherwise.
I need some clarification on our steal ability.
I recently tried to explain to a fellow bandit that our Steal Job Ability with its godly uber 5:00 recast timer would only be successful once in stealing an item from a particular mob, if that mob is tabled to carry a specific steal item.
This guy (LV 25 THF, btw) went so far as to state that it is indeed possible to steal more than one item successfully from a mob.

His story, to paraphrase:
Stealing from a mob, successfully, would make his inventory full. Waiting 5 minutes afterwards, he would Use the steal command AGAIN, and get the message that would tell him his inventory was full, and that he was unable to steal again. After sorting his inventory, and stealing from the same mob, he said it's possible to steal another item from that same mob successfully stolen from.
. . . Wth.
Did I miss something in my 2-3 years of playing this job religiously?
His arguement:
You succeed, but you don't get the item...
If you didn't suceed, you wouldn't have gotten the message (Inventory full)
You can pretty much activate steal just like you could fish even when your inventory is full. Supposedly he's stolen mutliple beastcoins doing this.

Ok. Here's where your input comes in. Is it possible to steal multiple items off of the same mob?
If you're going to testify in favor, or that full inventory when using steal against a mob that has a steal item or not is a justifiable means of successful steals, I will ask you to please elaborate thoroughly.
Because something in the back of my mind just wants to give me reason to introduce my tip of my boot to your rear if you don't otherwise.