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/WHM or /RDM?

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  • /WHM or /RDM?

    I want to have a SJ with Sneak and Invis for Coffer hunting. /WHM will give me a bit more MP, but /RDM has better potential as a farming/solo SJ. Anyone have some advice on which I should have ready? Thanks in advance for any advice.
    FFXIV Balmung Server
    Tenro Matashi

  • #2
    Re: /WHM or /RDM?

    This is probably a silly question, but what's wrong with /NIN for Invis, and Silent Oil for sneak? Seems to work for most THF.


    • #3
      Re: /WHM or /RDM?

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      This is probably a silly question, but what's wrong with /NIN for Invis, and Silent Oil for sneak? Seems to work for most THF.
      ZOMG Sneak Oilz cost 2 much gilz!



      • #4
        Re: /WHM or /RDM?

        If you just want it for Sneak/Invis and the occasional Cure, you're probably fine going with either. I'd probably grab WHM myself.


        • #5
          Re: /WHM or /RDM?

          I'm a Ninja myself... and I have my WHM at lvl.... Oh, I don't know.. 32 I think. I still would rather use Sneak Oils and my Ninjutsu Tonko. I'm just more comfortable with them.


          • #6
            Re: /WHM or /RDM?

            Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
            ZOMG Sneak Oilz cost 2 much gilz!

            Damn right. I'm a cheap {Bastard Sword}.
            FFXIV Balmung Server
            Tenro Matashi


            • #7
              Re: /WHM or /RDM?

              Go with /whm. -nas can be handy, and teleports are nice to have when you finally get them. The only thing /rdm really has to offer over /whm is Dispel. Other offensive spells like Gravity won't land because your main job has no native skill, and Phalanx and Enspell will be of negligable potency for the same reason. /rdm only really shines as a solo sub for whm, blm and pld.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: /WHM or /RDM?

                I'd say go /WHM, personally. Status heals and Teleports can be useful, and you don't really get anything of use from /RDM, really.

                And I don't blame you for not going /NIN + Sneak oils, those things can add up.
                RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


                • #9
                  Re: /WHM or /RDM?

                  You should go /war, and just perster the white mages on your friends list that you haven't talked to for month to come sneak and invis you through a zone.

                  At least thats what have the people on my friends list do <.<

                  But I'd go /whm, just for things like paralyna, blindna etc. Rdm you pretty much just get the cures.


                  • #10
                    Re: /WHM or /RDM?

                    I always subbed WHM, did RDM from time to time depending on the situation, if I was in a high-population aggro area, I generally did /RDM for Fast Cast, b/c that 1-2 secs casting delay is highly valuable if you start losing buffs in the middle of a sea of IT mobs lol Gets better when you get FCII @70/35, but since 74, I can kill the majority of the mobs that would aggro me, so I just sub /NIN and carry silent oils for the rare times when I'd rather avoid a fight (i.e., Kuftal Tunnel traversing)

                    Really comes down to personal preference, if you're coffer hunting and killing key-holders, should be /NIN anyways. But if you're just running around lookin for the coffers, /WHM would be best for most situations. Hope that helps. Enjoy! =D

                    Name: Ryba → (The Slutty Mithra)
                    Server: Sylph
                    ZM: 14
                    CoP: 2-5
                    ToAU: 3
                    Jobs: THF75 | SMN75 | RDM60 | NIN50 | BLU48 | MNK45 | WHM42 | BLM40
                    RNG40 | WAR38 | SAM32 | PLD29 | BRD19 | BST14
                    Rank: Bastok - 7 | San'dOria - 1 | Windurst - 1
                    Crafts: Leathercraft 94 + 1 | Cooking 60 | Woodworking 58
                    Clothcraft 50 | Goldsmithing 50 | Alchemy 15 | Smithing 10


                    • #11
                      Re: /WHM or /RDM?

                      Definitely /WHM over /RDM when solo. More MP, Teleports, status removal, Reraise, Auto-Regen vastly trumps Fast Cast + bunch of enfeebles and elemental magic that will get resisted anyway.


