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Thf useless in PM 6-4? nope!

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  • Thf useless in PM 6-4? nope!

    I just beat Pm 6-4 last night after 5 trys 3 i went as rdm, twice as thf. Beat it when i was thf. Thf was great cause for Omega and Ultima the ninja kept hate pretty well only lost hate when sam two houred really and we still only had one death the whole time and that was just a careless one. party was thf, nin, sam, rdm, whm, brd, we ended up beating it in 37min so we had lots of time left over

    Anyone else use there thf in PM 6-4?
    75bst 75thf 73rdm 40mnk 39nin 37whm 35blu 26drk 17pld 17war and idk the rest

    PM: 8-3
    ZM: 14

    Cloudxi -- Valefor, moved to Quetzalcoatl 01/08
    TheFlock ls

  • #2
    Re: Thf useless in PM 6-4? nope!

    Nice lol Gratz on the win and *WOOT!* for THF pwnage on Ultima/Omega

    Name: Ryba → (The Slutty Mithra)
    Server: Sylph
    ZM: 14
    CoP: 2-5
    ToAU: 3
    Jobs: THF75 | SMN75 | RDM60 | NIN50 | BLU48 | MNK45 | WHM42 | BLM40
    RNG40 | WAR38 | SAM32 | PLD29 | BRD19 | BST14
    Rank: Bastok - 7 | San'dOria - 1 | Windurst - 1
    Crafts: Leathercraft 94 + 1 | Cooking 60 | Woodworking 58
    Clothcraft 50 | Goldsmithing 50 | Alchemy 15 | Smithing 10

