Re: THF/MNK [Impossible to Gauge?]
Tachi: Kagero: skill level 100 (learned at 33 Samurai). Summoners: dead. Rangers: near dead. When they were alive, you could never convince one to consider SCing with a MNK. Not to mention that the mobs favored by mnk and those favored by rng will always differ. Kagero is in prime time to make Fusion in Garlaige Citadel, but I'd rather be doing Enpi. However, I actually made a GC party in this level range just so I could do Kagero -> Combo Fusion and used my meditate WS to unleash Enpi when I could.
That time when I was the one who made a concious effort to sac my own Enpi for Fusion is the only time in over 3 years of this game that I've ever seen a MNK close Fusion. Nin really has no reason to use sword after the dunes, as far as I can tell. plus, NINs get slow tp. Blade: Teki (or is it :To?) opens Fragmentation but I had a Nin who refused to open it for my SA Sturmwind back in the day because she was only doing like 9 dmg with it. Which meant less hate for her and more hate for me. >.<
And Ewww I can't believe you just suggested poor Malacite Google Circle Jerk. Whatever you do please don't type that into google.
And hey - symmetrical docking. don't worry it's work safe.
Thf/war and thf/nin post 40: I'd rather not get too much into it since thf/nins don't like being told they're weak but... honestly if you want to DD, you want Berserk. There is no offhand dagger that can compete with it. Note that I think end-game when you can get 20% delay reduction via Dual Wield, that it's worth looking into. But even then, it's shit if you're just another burst damage THF. If you're not paying attention to your per-swing damage, you're not playing to your fullest.
As of 40+, I think that a thf/mnk with Raging Fists could be exciting (you said it was like 4-700 damage?) but I also think the low acc could really hurt. VB should land 250-500 in those levels (mob pending, of course) which is close enough that the consistency of the attacks is nice. I never really thought about it though... I suppose even loaded up on acc gear HtH, you could still hit as decently as a THF does with a dagger. I keep wanting to say "your standard melee will suffer" but that's kinda part of the thf job description (especially fighting beetles and antica as everyone does through the 40s).
P.S. haha I accidentally put /docking in my tag instead of /url.
Originally posted by IfritnoItazura
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Tachi: Kagero: skill level 100 (learned at 33 Samurai). Summoners: dead. Rangers: near dead. When they were alive, you could never convince one to consider SCing with a MNK. Not to mention that the mobs favored by mnk and those favored by rng will always differ. Kagero is in prime time to make Fusion in Garlaige Citadel, but I'd rather be doing Enpi. However, I actually made a GC party in this level range just so I could do Kagero -> Combo Fusion and used my meditate WS to unleash Enpi when I could.
That time when I was the one who made a concious effort to sac my own Enpi for Fusion is the only time in over 3 years of this game that I've ever seen a MNK close Fusion. Nin really has no reason to use sword after the dunes, as far as I can tell. plus, NINs get slow tp. Blade: Teki (or is it :To?) opens Fragmentation but I had a Nin who refused to open it for my SA Sturmwind back in the day because she was only doing like 9 dmg with it. Which meant less hate for her and more hate for me. >.<
And Ewww I can't believe you just suggested poor Malacite Google Circle Jerk. Whatever you do please don't type that into google.
And hey - symmetrical docking. don't worry it's work safe.
Thf/war and thf/nin post 40: I'd rather not get too much into it since thf/nins don't like being told they're weak but... honestly if you want to DD, you want Berserk. There is no offhand dagger that can compete with it. Note that I think end-game when you can get 20% delay reduction via Dual Wield, that it's worth looking into. But even then, it's shit if you're just another burst damage THF. If you're not paying attention to your per-swing damage, you're not playing to your fullest.
As of 40+, I think that a thf/mnk with Raging Fists could be exciting (you said it was like 4-700 damage?) but I also think the low acc could really hurt. VB should land 250-500 in those levels (mob pending, of course) which is close enough that the consistency of the attacks is nice. I never really thought about it though... I suppose even loaded up on acc gear HtH, you could still hit as decently as a THF does with a dagger. I keep wanting to say "your standard melee will suffer" but that's kinda part of the thf job description (especially fighting beetles and antica as everyone does through the 40s).
P.S. haha I accidentally put /docking in my tag instead of /url.