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Emnity+ equip question

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  • Emnity+ equip question

    Alright so I get my hands on some AFv2 that has +emnity. Now these pieces are pretty nice for swapping in (head for dex/sa, body for AGI/TA) these have emnity+ modifiers, so my question to you is this:

    Does emnity+ equips affect the amount of Hate you transfer to a tank when you TA them?

  • #2
    Re: Emnity+ equip question

    Strange, I thought this question was previously answered. Is the search function not working?


    Hmm, well search worked for me. Posts saying that yes enmity help for TA adding more hate.

    Curious though why search didn't work for you.
    Last edited by Macht; 01-23-2007, 02:21 PM.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      Re: Emnity+ equip question

      I did a search out of curiosity.

      5 threads in the Thief forum mention emnity. This is one of them. One seems to be dealing with job selection. Another has one reply stating that they didn't think emnity had an effect on SATA. The other two threads were from 2004. I mean I know it's essentially the same game, but things have changed significantly since 2004.

      Maybe there is a thread in here that answers his question. Maybe there isn't. However, looking through the search results it doesn't look like it's as easily found as you lead us to believe. Then again, maybe I missed something. I only looked through the first 125 or so threads in an all-forum search.

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #4
        Re: Emnity+ equip question

        Seems as though the first reply to this thread was filled with nothing but sacrasim. What a great way to build a friendly, helpful community by insulting the intelligence of its members by supposed moderators. God forbid someone would like an answer that is newer than 2 years old and not look on the thread that has degenerated to nothing but arguments.

        But to answer the question, it is my understanding that +enimty helps in the amount of hate transfered to the tank. Some thfs I know says it doesn't, some say it does. I am unsure if it is officially documented anywhere, but seeing as how much damage you do reflects how much hate is transfered it would make sense that added enimty would also effect this.


        • #5
          Re: Emnity+ equip question

          Even better, way to say "Hay you can find it via search", and do the search, but not post the links.

          GG Moderator.


          • #6
            Re: Emnity+ equip question

            Don't get me wrong, I've said 'use the search function' a few times my self... but then again, I'm a norm. >.> Either way, I found more info after looking in the merit thread, where a few people mentioned that emnity directly affects TA.


            And there is some discussion of it in the 2004 AF2 thread


            Looking through that, I guess the answer to the OP's question is 'Yes, Emnity affects the amount of hate pulled from TA.'

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: Emnity+ equip question

              Thanks for the responses, even though my forum searching skill obviously needs a little skillup party.

              Guess ill think twice before posting such an obviously silly question moderator.


              • #8
                Re: Emnity+ equip question

                In defense of Macht, I think he was trying for an understanding "trying-not-to-belittle-your-intelligence" method. I.e. we've all heard "use search function" so he was trying to bypass condition one (using search) and move onto the next.

                But Macht, you didn't do a good job. It was pretty easy to see through that you were hinting to use the search button without coming out and saying it.
                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                • #9
                  Re: Emnity+ equip question

                  emnity+ helps u put hate on your tank, alternativly a thf with emnity- can SATA a war or even a drk and not worry about killing them (only recomended for ppl who merrited emnity- for a mage job and are lvling thf to solo with)


                  • #10
                    Re: Emnity+ equip question

                    Does emnity+ equips affect the amount of Hate you transfer to a tank when you TA them?
                    +Enmity from equipment will have an effect on the hate transfer. While this is the case, I'd make it a point to gather an equipment setup that increases the damage output of your WS instead of having it focus on +enmity. Just keep in mind that adding +enmity from pieces of equipment like the Warwolf Belt will increase the transfer slightly.
                    The THF 2AF+1 set has one of the highest +enmity totals in the game (coming out at slightly over +20). I was amazed at the amount too when it first became available.
                    Archain - Valefor
                    75THF | 75NIN | 75DRK | 75DRG | 69COR | 66RDM

                    Weaponskills of THF (2004)

